Message from @TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh)

Discord ID: 654818371015016453

2019-12-12 22:31:01 UTC  

GG @Sh0t, you just advanced to level 37!

2019-12-12 22:31:09 UTC  

It was easy for the Tories to win when it was Idiot vs Socialist nutcase who has it in for Jews.

2019-12-12 22:31:21 UTC  

Labour need to kick out Momemtum

2019-12-12 22:32:34 UTC  

Labour need to go back to being a center party. No one gives a damn about how 'evil' Israel is, except Corbyn.

2019-12-12 22:33:27 UTC  

Back to Blair's domestic policies

2019-12-12 22:33:48 UTC  

Pretty much.

2019-12-12 22:34:33 UTC  

Labour refused to take a side on Brexit, when most of their voters are Remain.

2019-12-12 22:34:51 UTC  

BoJo's spending plans are more centrist, with more spending than Tories usually like to do

2019-12-12 22:35:32 UTC  

Labour deserved their result really, as they were two-faced and power hungry.

2019-12-12 22:36:29 UTC  

Corbyn refused to support remain, and pretended he actually cared about anything but becoming PM.

2019-12-12 22:36:43 UTC  

Brexit Party deserve praise for this result

2019-12-12 22:36:53 UTC  

They split the Labour vote for Tories

2019-12-12 22:37:08 UTC  

Brexiteers and Remainers were right to both spurn Labour really.

2019-12-12 22:37:11 UTC  

lbc youtube on fire, 15k watching

2019-12-12 22:38:38 UTC  

forex going crazy

2019-12-12 22:50:11 UTC  

Wow...taking back what I said. The SNP in Exit Polls got 55/59 seats.

2019-12-12 22:50:27 UTC  

That's 93% roughly.

2019-12-12 22:50:50 UTC  

Johnson can't reasonably stop independence.

2019-12-12 22:52:26 UTC  

He can deny referendums...but he can't stop Scotland voting, holding rallies, and pilling on pressure till Johnson concedes reality.

2019-12-12 22:54:04 UTC  

@NewRogernomics You do realise that in 2015, Cameron only got 330 and SNP got 58 or 57 seats

2019-12-12 22:54:25 UTC  

And that was after the Referendum

2019-12-12 22:54:36 UTC  

Scottish Referendum I mean

2019-12-12 22:55:48 UTC  

Well the SNP still needs a bad Brexit.

2019-12-12 22:56:29 UTC  

SNP are moaners. They'll complain about the rest of the Union and yet drag Scotland into a 7% deficit that is payed by the rest of the Union

2019-12-12 22:56:41 UTC  

It needs to do a scare campaign and hype up how bad the UK is for the next several years.

2019-12-12 22:56:57 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh) They will blame it all on the UK though.

2019-12-12 22:57:14 UTC  

It can only last so long

2019-12-12 22:57:28 UTC  

This is also affected by tactical voting

2019-12-12 22:57:46 UTC  

People voting SNP to get more Remain MPs in

2019-12-12 22:58:08 UTC  

Johnson is going to blame the EU for Brexit, and SNP will blame Johnson for Scotland.

2019-12-12 22:58:19 UTC  

But I can't see BoJo with his 360ish seats giving into the SNP

2019-12-12 22:59:27 UTC  

He won't give in to a referendum. It all depends on what the SNP does.

2019-12-12 22:59:46 UTC  

After a while, one of the Parties need to do something

2019-12-12 23:00:01 UTC  

And Tories are happy with their majority

2019-12-12 23:00:19 UTC  

So it's the SNP that have to do the next move

2019-12-12 23:01:47 UTC  

When are the results in

2019-12-12 23:02:06 UTC  

First seat should be in soon

2019-12-12 23:02:11 UTC  

Sunderland or Newcastle

2019-12-12 23:02:21 UTC  

Probably not all done till tomorrow though.

2019-12-12 23:02:29 UTC  

Didn't Sunderland deperately want to be first

2019-12-12 23:02:34 UTC  
