Message from @Techpriest
Discord ID: 585238925480820737
i just hear left and liberal news because i know they are right
the other side must be wrong
guys trump is the counter culture isn't it obvious
>watching the news
you really think anybody but libtards and conservatives watch the news
if you shill for trump you're still a shill
>still trusting him after this
Y u follow him
GG @rednaxela, you just advanced to level 8!
@hideshiru♿ I'm not a wanna be troll
i'm not following him, you can get the screenshots off google
@Sultan IV oh ok
Hes not wrong
The US gets nothing
But he does
Problem with Trump is he has homosexual friends
no1 who associates with homos should be allowed in office
okay bud
Why didn't Thanos just make people want to have less kids?
why didnt thanos just kill u
I love that orange
Trump is a good president.
no but actually no
so i heard
america wants to colonise the moon.
what are you talking about?
how america wants to colonise the moon