Message from @Gerry
Discord ID: 595994295677485095
Trump 2020
Trump: Re elect me on what ive done and on my focus for america later
Dems: orANGe mAn bAd
my prediction
Yang 2020
My prediction
Seems accurate as frick
The USA will Beat England in the Fifa women’s World Cup Semifinals
Yang will win
@HM - King of UK + Commonwealth correct
@Darman *#YangIsTheOnlyDecentDemocratAndPollingHigherThanTrumpWasAtThisPointIn2015SoItsPerfectlyPossibleHeGetsTheNominatuonAndRuinsTrump
@The Lemon lol do you think any of those polls are accurate
so guys question for the yang gang
how do you feel about the fact he raised his hand during the debates when asked if illegal immigrants should receive public health insurance
He is a socialist
YangGang shills saying he's Libertarian
Just cuz you say you are libertarian does not mean you are a libertarian
That is what makes up 50% of the libertarian party imo
@Darman I know theyre not too accurate but it shows that nothing is impossible
if someone thinks ubi is libertarian they don’t understand the meaning
The Libertarians have only two things consistent with them
They have meaningful discussions and never agree on the true definition of libertarianism
Keep preaching tech
heil trump
sure but redistribution of wealth is the antithesis of any reasonable definition
its like saying hot is cold
`Libertarianism (from Latin: libertas, meaning "freedom")`
having your wealth taken from you to be given out by some authority does not fall under any sensible idea of freedom
The redistribution of wealth is good
fuck trump
Good comrade
trump is not as bad as people say he is lol