Message from @fuck12moredeadcops
Discord ID: 630814971609088020
What is significant?
In terms of houses, like if you're taking out a mortgage, 10% is huge, but if you're renting, which is specifically what Warren talks about in that article, it can be miniscule.
You don’t live in the Bay Area
mortgages only work for middle class buying housing and such, while rent helps everyone who rent
Or on either coast
Like it sounds big yearly, but when you contextualize that you pay monthly or bimonthly, you're unlikely to notice unless you're paying over a thousand dollars in rent, which low to middle income people aren't doing on the regular.
That’s just not accurate
yeah, cities have higher cost than 800
I live in Atlanta
There's not housing for less than 1000 downtown
But like
Nobody doing what I do for work lives downtown.
mamma mia
here we go again
We’re talking about the Bay Area and NYC
We’re talking about the Bay Area and NYC
My rent is $2000
Sure if you live in like San Francisco or NYC, 10% on your rent as a low-to-middle income person is pretty substantial, but outside of areas NYC, San Francisco, LA, and maybe DC, like in the rest of the country, for renters it's negligible
Right, but that’s where the homeless problem is the greatest
Homeless people
Decreasing rent
won't help them
Or they have an income so low that they can't afford rent, and a 10% reduction won't get them into an apartment building.
Homelessness happen in high rent cities, a 10% reduction helps people not get evicted
Approaching a solution to homelessness through the lens of the marketplace is usually going to be ineffective. Countries which have near non-existent homeless populations employ Housing First and get them in homes without asking for rent.
@3v6en8 Yeah like I said it'll help people dealing with gentrification, but it's not going to do anything if you're homeless
Again that’s not accurate
Alleviating the housing market in the aggregate helps homelessness
More homes = lower cost
What does a 10% reduction to rent do for someone on Skid Row?
GG @fuck12moredeadcops, you just advanced to level 2!
Well, if they were kicked out of their house because they couldn’t afford rent, it lets them move back into their house
So they’re no longer homeless
Okay, if your rent goes up, and you can't afford it, and you decide to stay anyway with no plan to relocate yourself and that caused your homelessness, yeah it'll help you
Honestly for skid row, its needs low income jobs and low income housing
So remember that’s 76% of people
But the market moves as a whole
If someone higher up has a rent reduction, it allows them to upgrade
Making room for someone lower on the chain and so on