Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 631131668064895007

2019-10-08 14:08:26 UTC  

The first quote you posted yeah

2019-10-08 14:08:36 UTC  

@Cobra Commander “why did you stop the investigation” is the same thing

2019-10-08 14:08:37 UTC  

That’s not from the summary of the transcript, that’s Schiff’s paraphrasing

2019-10-08 14:08:45 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops yes, I know... what’s your point?

2019-10-08 14:08:50 UTC  

The first one yes

2019-10-08 14:08:50 UTC  

And even CNN admits he’s mischaracterizing the contents of the transcript

2019-10-08 14:08:53 UTC  

The second one no

2019-10-08 14:09:00 UTC  

Context is key. Exactly the problem for POTUS. This is a guy who whitewashes crimes of MBS and Putin and Kim

2019-10-08 14:09:27 UTC  

The second quote, which is the actual quote from the summary doesn’t mean much though

2019-10-08 14:09:42 UTC  

Yes, it does we are currently talking about it

2019-10-08 14:09:53 UTC  

Are you caught up vibe?

2019-10-08 14:10:20 UTC  

Moving on- so cobra, when you end an investigation, it’s because you brought an investigation to its conclusion

2019-10-08 14:10:44 UTC  

Literally what criminal indictment can be made off of the statement “so if you can look into it”

2019-10-08 14:10:46 UTC  

No it isn't in the slightest. First of all, there is nothing wrong with Trump wanting to investigate Biden's son, *he* is not a political candidate. And even then he didn't actually say to look into Hunter Biden specifically, let alone Joe Biden. He said to investigate why a prosecution was stopped in the Ukraine.

2019-10-08 14:11:07 UTC  

If you call someone up and say “look into why the investigation ended” (though that is a charitable interpretation) then you’re suggesting impropriety

2019-10-08 14:11:18 UTC  

None Vibe, you have to be very partisan to make that stretch <:laugh:583238348077006869>

2019-10-08 14:11:33 UTC  

There absolutely is something wrong with calling up a foreign leader and, WITH NO EVIDENCE, suggesting they investigate an American citizen

2019-10-08 14:11:41 UTC  

It is a massive abuse of office

2019-10-08 14:11:54 UTC  

Evidence as in a prosecution being stopped, hey this is kind of fishy?

2019-10-08 14:11:55 UTC  

And I would remind Vibe that impeachment requires no criminal statute violation

2019-10-08 14:12:11 UTC  

If it were based on any evidence then maybe

2019-10-08 14:12:23 UTC  

That's... evidence lol.

2019-10-08 14:12:29 UTC  

But it isn’t, and he mentions no one else, just the family of his political opponent

2019-10-08 14:12:31 UTC  

What’s evidence

2019-10-08 14:12:45 UTC  

He could be wrong about there being something there but that is absolutely cause to be suspicious.

2019-10-08 14:12:46 UTC  

The end of an investigation is evidence of wrongdoing?

2019-10-08 14:12:52 UTC  

What is suspicious?

2019-10-08 14:13:04 UTC  

Explain to me what you believe the suspicious evidence is

2019-10-08 14:13:35 UTC  

How do you not

2019-10-08 14:13:45 UTC  

See that as being inherently suspicious?

2019-10-08 14:13:45 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:13:49 UTC  

He doesn’t offer quid pro quo, he doesn’t request an investigation into the Bidens, he simply asks for the Ukrainian President to look into why the investigation ended. Yes he probably intends to use whatever they find in his campaign, but that’s not criminal wrong doing, and if you’re conceding it breaks no law but you still want to impeach him, I think you’re the partisan just trying to use this as an excused to expedite an impeachment process

2019-10-08 14:13:50 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:14:02 UTC  

An investigation ended

2019-10-08 14:14:06 UTC  

Investigations end

2019-10-08 14:14:16 UTC  

Yeah, when the prosecutor was fired

2019-10-08 14:14:47 UTC  

Also yeah Vibe, welcome to the trump channel

2019-10-08 14:15:13 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops he absolutely does offer a quid pro quo, We now have text messages backing that up. And he requests an investigation into the Bidens, we also have texts backing that up- and now the whit House is asking the recipient of those texts not to testify- so you not follow the news?

2019-10-08 14:15:38 UTC  

@Cobra Commander the investigation of the company that hunter Biden worked for happened AFTER the prosecutor was fired

2019-10-08 14:16:04 UTC  

What is he offering Ukraine in return for an investigation into the Bidens and where are you deriving this interpretation?