Message from @Puerto Rican Nelson

Discord ID: 638818349643595779

2019-10-29 19:02:01 UTC  

my scenario REDUCES tensions with China

2019-10-29 19:02:08 UTC  


2019-10-29 19:02:09 UTC  

Then πŸ‘πŸ» purge πŸ‘πŸ» the πŸ‘πŸ» Dengist πŸ‘πŸ» and πŸ‘πŸ» declare πŸ‘πŸ» unlimited πŸ‘πŸ» destruction πŸ‘πŸ» of πŸ‘πŸ» the πŸ‘πŸ» first πŸ‘πŸ» world πŸ‘πŸ»

2019-10-29 19:02:10 UTC  

i dont understand this whole China will die to defend mexico idea

2019-10-29 19:02:35 UTC  

If we let China have Asia, latin and south america would be a great deal for them

2019-10-29 19:02:45 UTC  

It isn’t about mexico it’s about the principle of just taking over a country

2019-10-29 19:02:52 UTC  

China cares about that?

2019-10-29 19:02:54 UTC  

Taiwan shouldn’t exist

2019-10-29 19:02:55 UTC  


2019-10-29 19:02:59 UTC  

Vietnam, etc

2019-10-29 19:03:15 UTC  

They don’t want the US to become bigger

2019-10-29 19:03:50 UTC  

I dunno about that, especially if we get out of their neck of the world, and keep relations up

2019-10-29 19:04:06 UTC  

Relations aren’t up

2019-10-29 19:04:33 UTC  

We have a mild 'trade war' but we are still sending stuff back and forth, mostly chinese goods for dollars

2019-10-29 19:04:38 UTC  

we export 1/3rd of our inflation to china

2019-10-29 19:05:00 UTC  

and overall to the US economy, our trade IN GENERAL is not that big

2019-10-29 19:05:07 UTC  

the us is not singapore or taiwan

2019-10-29 19:05:15 UTC  

most of our economy is internal

2019-10-29 19:06:40 UTC  

Russia and China might even HELP us if it means we pull out of Europe and Asia

2019-10-29 19:07:15 UTC  

The US is going to pull military forces out of Asia in order to reclaim the Panama Canal. China is going to interrupt that?

2019-10-29 19:16:03 UTC  

It's...not...a mild trade war. The whole global economy is slowing from it.

2019-10-29 19:16:52 UTC  

I think global economy was going to slow down no matter what, the spectre of many bubbles is hanging over its head as well

2019-10-29 19:17:35 UTC  

can't pump bubbles up for ever, europe with NIRP, the US flirting with ZIRP, china's economy is such a joke. when they deleverage it might cause WWIII if the ccp isn't willing to let go of some sacred cows

2019-10-29 19:18:04 UTC  

australia doubled down in 08 , they were getting hit with chinese slow situations evne prior to trump

2019-10-29 19:18:20 UTC  

their economy is primarily selling raw materials to china and a housing bubble

2019-10-29 20:01:01 UTC

2019-10-29 20:01:49 UTC  

Trump is past the point at which there president’s approval rating typically starts to benefit from their re-election campaign

2019-10-29 20:26:10 UTC  

Trump is a different phenom as are the reasons people vote for him. Im not sure trends are helpful

2019-10-29 21:04:16 UTC  

Trump doesn't have to win, he just has to not lose. the Democrats could easily shoot themselves in the foot

2019-10-29 21:07:57 UTC  

Trump has a decent chance of winning in 2020 if the economy continues to thrive.

2019-10-29 21:18:02 UTC  

the economy isn't thriving.

2019-10-29 21:32:36 UTC  

is William Barr a member of Opus Dei?

2019-10-29 22:05:21 UTC  

Unemployment is at a 50 year low, wages are growing, worker productivity is increasing, median household income has increased by over 5,000 since Trump was elected.

2019-10-29 22:05:33 UTC  

The economy is looking pretty good right now

2019-10-29 22:05:49 UTC  


2019-10-29 22:06:27 UTC  

Yeah imagine how much better off we'd be if we had anyone besides Trump

2019-10-29 22:06:55 UTC  

Anything that improved under him would have improved more

2019-10-29 22:43:46 UTC  

@ℕ𝕍 Low unemployment isn't always a good thing, but the bigger picture is that there's historic highs of people out of work and underemployed.
It's a rich person's economy.

2019-10-29 23:30:10 UTC  

Love you fellow comrade! Completely agree!