Message from @Children.Deserve.Cancer.REBORN

Discord ID: 639204507263434772

2019-10-30 18:50:18 UTC  

Yeah, that's the root issue.

2019-10-30 18:50:30 UTC  

The two-party political system in the US.

2019-10-30 18:51:16 UTC  

it is pretty garbage

2019-10-30 18:51:31 UTC  

each election cycle the other party is like a "solution" to "problems" the other party caused

2019-10-30 18:51:45 UTC  

in a red blue red blue left right left right march to our doom

2019-10-30 18:52:15 UTC  

you managed to lie about me again, get it through your head that I admitted to being mistaken about them voting in federal elections ffs

2019-10-30 20:29:16 UTC  

Someone lied about you online? Damn, now that’s unprecedented! V big deal!

2019-10-30 20:31:47 UTC  

hey I'm just calling this mug out for it nbd

2019-10-30 20:34:01 UTC  

Good doggy

2019-10-30 20:34:05 UTC  

You earned a treat

2019-10-30 20:34:33 UTC  

thanks massa

2019-10-30 20:35:02 UTC  

Gotta treat your bois right if you want some good quality labor, amirite?

2019-10-30 20:48:01 UTC

2019-10-30 20:48:53 UTC  


2019-10-30 20:49:07 UTC  

@Children.Deserve.Cancer.REBORN Stop spamming the debate channels

2019-10-30 20:49:19 UTC  


2019-10-30 20:49:21 UTC  

Spamming how?

2019-10-30 20:49:42 UTC  

Engaging every discussion ?

2019-10-30 20:49:52 UTC  

You show up and bump all of them at once with garbage like "shut" or "yawn". You've been doing this for a long time.

2019-10-30 20:50:04 UTC

2019-10-30 20:50:30 UTC  

How is it not engaging discussion

2019-10-30 20:50:39 UTC  

Your tears are a bit old at this point

2019-10-30 21:07:10 UTC  

Makes a lot of sense for Neocons

2019-10-30 21:08:28 UTC  

Daily reminder that their ideological line literally comes out of anti-Stalin Trotskyist

2019-10-30 21:17:54 UTC  

"It was surprising to me that, again when you're thinking about the type of information we're talking about, of the disposition of forces around the globe," Snodgrass told CNN in an interview on Wednesday, "the way that we interact with our allies and partners, and to spend 10 minutes talking about a leak that had been reported on in The Washington Post, and how the president wanted to go after that individual, and wanted to sue them and started…darting from topic to topic, that had nothing to do with national security, that was the part that I found to be very alarming," the former Defense Department official said.

2019-10-30 21:22:48 UTC  


2019-10-30 21:24:56 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops that never ceases to make me laugh

2019-10-30 21:26:14 UTC  

@Platinum Spark only thing that rivals that is the Wesley Clark quote when somebody told him we were going to invade Iraq

2019-10-30 21:28:23 UTC  

I think they are connected TBQH. People write about the netflix Trotsky series being pro-Putin propaganda

2019-10-30 21:36:20 UTC  

How catastrophic

2019-10-30 21:42:14 UTC  

@Sh0t what was the Wes Clark quote, I don’t remember that

2019-10-30 21:42:22 UTC  

The president was infuriated when the Wall Street Journal published an editorial last week suggesting that Trump was “too inept” to pull off a “quid-pro-quo policy ultimatum toward Ukraine” involving military aid and campaign assistance from the foreign ally, reported The Daily Beast.

2019-10-30 21:48:45 UTC  
2019-10-30 21:52:04 UTC  

Nice DDOS link, bud

2019-10-30 21:52:12 UTC  

Not falling for it this time

2019-10-30 22:07:41 UTC  


2019-10-30 22:08:32 UTC  


2019-10-30 22:16:39 UTC  

no one asked

2019-10-30 22:17:44 UTC  


2019-10-30 22:49:51 UTC  


2019-10-30 22:51:01 UTC  

Wouldn’t expect a female to contribute much to political discussions