Message from @ℕ𝕍

Discord ID: 639313786746175498

2019-10-31 00:41:39 UTC  


2019-10-31 00:43:05 UTC  

Ah I see - the three big R's. Religious, Republican, Retarded

2019-10-31 00:43:26 UTC  

Carry on then, freakshow.

2019-10-31 00:44:11 UTC  

Andy Barr well well

2019-10-31 00:44:56 UTC  

i remember him, his last opponent for seat was a female marine fighter pilot

2019-10-31 00:45:27 UTC  

It wasn't totally unrelated to the bill what they were trying to add would have benefitted veterans and the purpose of the bill was care and benefits for vets.

2019-10-31 00:46:05 UTC  

the bill was 99% about women's issues specifically

2019-10-31 00:46:10 UTC  

and they had months to bring up the other stuff

2019-10-31 00:46:38 UTC  

The minority committee members did not object to the underlying bill but offered amendments to improve the bill and the benefits it offered.

2019-10-31 00:46:39 UTC  

GG @ℕ𝕍, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-10-31 00:47:31 UTC  

Sometimes those are 'poisoned pill' amendments, desigend to either add contraversy to a bill so it gets held up in a PC manner, or if they want to sneak in stuff on the low by attacking it to 'no brainer' bills

2019-10-31 00:49:32 UTC  

```Roe and minority members defended their amendments following the hearing, saying they had bipartisan support. This also isn't the first time those amendments have been shot down by committee leadership. The amendments were ruled out of order when members tried to add them to a previous bill in July.Β 

Members also offered the amendments as standalone bills, but so far, those bills have not gotten a hearing.Β ```

2019-10-31 00:50:42 UTC  

Anyways I need to do work right now, it was nice talking with you.

2019-10-31 00:51:17 UTC  

That quote is exactly how a poisoned pill amendment works

2019-10-31 00:51:26 UTC  

Later πŸ‘‹

2019-10-31 00:54:10 UTC  

```an amendment to a legislative bill that considerably weakens the bill's intended effect, or ruins the bill's chances of passing.``` By attaching the not closely related and obviously controversial amendment, it hurts the chances of the wider bill

2019-10-31 00:57:50 UTC  

They were hoping, most likely, to do what you are doing in here. Attaching something every American knows is a controversial politically, guns, to something only trannies would complain about "women-specific veteran health issues"
```The Senate this year has abandoned the perennial brawls over policy riders that uprooted its regular spending process for nearly a decade, aiming to avoid another paralyzing funding fight this fall.

In a pact that’s gone largely unnoticed on Capitol Hill, senators of both parties have so far crafted bills that are virtually free of so-called poison pill riders that usually entangle the annual spending bills. ```
```β€œFor those who are new to this, it’s no small accomplishment,” Leahy said Thursday. β€œWe avoided new poison pill riders, from either the left or the right.”```

2019-10-31 00:58:15 UTC  

from another situation to illustrate how they bog down the process

2019-10-31 04:01:16 UTC  

The amendments had bipartisan support, so they likely would've been added to the bill if debate had not been shut down, and they were related to the bill because they involved benefits for veterans.

2019-10-31 04:03:26 UTC  

```"I've been here 11 years in this committee which is the most bipartisan committee in Congress," Ranking Member Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., said. "We took pride in that. I have never seen this type of behavior since I have been here in this committee. We've never suppressed the debate. We've always allowed the debate. ... That's how our country works ...Β I'm embarrassed by what this committee has become."Β ```

2019-10-31 04:04:44 UTC  

```At issue was debate on the Deborah Sampson Act, an omnibus bill to improve women veterans'Β care and remove barriers. Republican members offered amendments to the bill, but Chairman Rep. Mark Takano, D-Calif., refused to allow amendments or debate on the bill before calling for a vote, which passed the bill to the House floor.Β 

After further requests for debate or clarification on parliamentary procedure were similarly denied, Republican members, stood and exited the hearing room together.```

2019-10-31 09:02:20 UTC  


2019-10-31 09:19:21 UTC  

Spoken like a true poet.

2019-10-31 09:50:08 UTC  

```Farmer subsidies from the Trump administration aimed at mitigating the effects of the U.S.-China trade war have reached $28 billion, about double the amount of money shelled out in the government bailout of Detroit automakers in 2009, Bloomberg reports.```

2019-10-31 10:30:14 UTC  


2019-10-31 10:30:34 UTC  

Bloomberg can eat my 9 inch trans black proud dick

2019-10-31 10:50:30 UTC  

*The noticeable uptick in strikes in Somalia came after President Donald Trump approved policy changes ending the limitation on drone strikes imposed by the Obama administration.*

2019-10-31 10:50:35 UTC  

"anti-war Trump, yes"

2019-10-31 11:02:43 UTC  

Can I take someone with the

2019-10-31 11:02:55 UTC  

Environmental role seriously

2019-10-31 11:03:03 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:03:08 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:04:10 UTC  

Why you hate the environment

2019-10-31 11:04:40 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:04:45 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:05:01 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:05:07 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:05:13 UTC  


2019-10-31 11:05:25 UTC  

I am not falling for the bait

2019-10-31 11:05:33 UTC  

You said environmentalism can’t be taken seriously

2019-10-31 11:05:42 UTC  

So u don’t care about the environment