Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 655775952680255507

2019-12-15 14:14:58 UTC  


2019-12-15 14:15:10 UTC  

We mastered the art of biological warfare

2019-12-15 14:15:31 UTC  

We have shit you never even heard of bitch

2019-12-15 14:15:38 UTC  

We could just launch all 6,500 at once

2019-12-15 14:15:44 UTC  

Literally at the same time

2019-12-15 14:15:56 UTC  

If we fall the nest gets released and all humans die

2019-12-15 14:16:09 UTC  

That’s gae

2019-12-15 14:16:15 UTC  

You lie

2019-12-15 14:16:50 UTC  

You think so huh? What did you think Bill Gates was doing in Africa?

2019-12-15 14:17:01 UTC  


2019-12-15 14:17:14 UTC  

Top secret research on biological weapons

2019-12-15 14:17:14 UTC  

GG @Solid Snake Plissken, you just advanced to level 23!

2019-12-15 14:17:36 UTC  

We could literally kill the world without firing a single shot

2019-12-15 14:17:50 UTC  

So don't ever think you will win

2019-12-15 14:18:11 UTC  

Because even if we fall the whole world dies

2019-12-15 14:18:11 UTC  

Ok I’m sorry but bill gates sodomizing African women doesn’t count as biological weapons

2019-12-15 14:18:23 UTC  

Sure guy

2019-12-15 14:18:37 UTC  

It is biological but it’s not a weapon dumbass

2019-12-15 14:18:50 UTC  

Go ahead and pretend we didn't weaponize it

2019-12-15 14:19:29 UTC  


2019-12-15 14:19:30 UTC  


2019-12-15 14:22:59 UTC  

We have the makeup of every nationality and race known to mankind. We have multiple senerios where this could play out. Ideally we would want to target anyone who was an immediate threat. However if all else fails we have the new Samson option and we take you with us

2019-12-15 14:23:41 UTC  

Ruskies on suicide watch

2019-12-15 14:23:58 UTC  

That’s a lot of sodomizing to get all that dna

2019-12-15 14:24:10 UTC  

Wasting all that money on a fucking submarine and we could literally end your existence with a bug

2019-12-15 15:20:41 UTC  


2019-12-15 15:33:16 UTC  

@CCC_AceZ Clinton was fully cleared by the FBI. There are few people who have been investigated as much as Hillary Clinton, we know for certain of all people, she’s innocent

2019-12-15 15:33:35 UTC  

She actually sat down for an interview with the FBI, that’s more than you can say of Trump

2019-12-15 15:34:17 UTC  

@Sri mhm, well Fox News says there’s a majority in favor of impeachment. Let me guess, they’re the msm too?

2019-12-15 15:51:45 UTC  


2019-12-15 16:03:51 UTC  

Fox news also showed Trumps approval rating up in same poll

2019-12-15 16:04:20 UTC

2019-12-15 16:33:10 UTC  

i hope to god that these are fake🤮

2019-12-15 16:41:34 UTC  

They're not. Fox as a pollster is actually highly rated

2019-12-15 16:41:45 UTC

2019-12-15 22:38:20 UTC  

Same eh

2019-12-15 22:41:03 UTC  

I mean they lost 2016 easily so when dems are upset they want to remove democratic election results. So much for a democratic like eystem

2019-12-15 22:42:04 UTC  

What’s wrong with a popular vote?

2019-12-15 22:44:09 UTC  

Alot of things. It underminds the system since people can be easily swayed by propaganda

2019-12-15 22:45:19 UTC  

Not to mention. Not everyone has a stake in the country