Message from @StrokeNDong

Discord ID: 659532407317331979

2019-12-25 20:39:25 UTC  

Sold out to the mic again

2019-12-25 20:39:59 UTC  

The Zionist Jews of Wall Street keep bankrupting the US

2019-12-25 20:45:20 UTC  

Why are you so anti-Jewish? @Sri

2019-12-25 21:05:08 UTC  

Trump pushing for negative interest rates is certainlly not good for the economy. he's just riding a pump

2019-12-25 21:05:44 UTC  

obama came in during the crash, he was in for the climb, trump is going to be in power for the blow-off top. the trade stuff is silly, as we see in the ag picture.

2019-12-25 21:06:07 UTC  

m2v has turned down again, fed balance sheet growing, it's fugazi

2019-12-25 21:06:38 UTC  

repo market blow-down tell us about eurodollar liquidity issues, which is why europe is heavy into negative rates

2019-12-25 22:07:09 UTC  

Just against the Jews on Wall Street and those in corporate mainstream media. They’re sociopaths. @Unity.Nat

2019-12-25 22:13:45 UTC  


2019-12-25 22:31:28 UTC  

@Sri I doubt they do it because they believe in the Jewish faith.

2019-12-25 22:35:25 UTC  

Not to mention, @Sh0t why do you try to divert the truth by saying Obama fix the economy and Trump is riding the pump. It's just so untruthful as tax breaks and less regulation have shown to indeed push for rapid growth and employment for the American people.

2019-12-25 22:49:34 UTC  

only thing Obama did for the economy was the weak stimulus and run decent deficits but where it got spent was questionable since public option for obamacare wasn't put in etc

2019-12-25 22:49:41 UTC  

nah tax breaks don't do that, but they do pump the stock market

2019-12-25 22:50:04 UTC  

Fedex prime example, they lobbied for the tax breaks, then bought back about 2b in their own stock

2019-12-25 22:51:11 UTC  

the tax breaks/less regulation idea is an unfortunate myth, which we've known about since minsky at the very latest. the economy is not self regulating, and it cannot be

2019-12-25 22:54:12 UTC  

I'm an anarcho-libertarian at heart, but much of what the theories are built on are just wrong, and they are especially wrong in a pure fiat monetary circuit economy where bank balance sheets are most the volatile part of the equation. under a hard commodity money with very little credit expansion MAYBE they would be more applicable, but even that is questionable

2019-12-25 22:56:07 UTC  

as long as limited liability exists as a major market intervention, they have no leg to stand on, since that removes one of the most brutal checks. similar to bank charters, it's one we accept as being necessary to generate the WEALTH capitalism does. the 'allocate scarce resource' view is incorrect, whcih is where most of that anti-regulation thought comes from

2019-12-25 22:57:18 UTC  

Trump is blatantly asking Powell for negative rates, we are just borrowing from the future as in most pumps

2019-12-25 22:59:44 UTC  

I've looked at the list of some of the regulation Trump has repealed. I'm not a sucker. Take the Fiduciary rule for retirement planners. that was insane and is just going to get those people taken advantage of more. That one is part of a wider package of using automatic purchases to prop up the stock market

2019-12-25 23:05:25 UTC  

another one is the Dealer maker provision in the CFPB, which makes Black support for Trump a meme because it was put in to prohibit the blatantly discriminatory practices put in by dealers. The dealers lobbied for via Sen Moran, and Trump signed it. ally bank settled a 100mil dollar fine because of this.
I'm all for dog-eat-dog capitalism and would allow for discrimination, but that company would have to give back Limited Liability, which none would ever do

2019-12-25 23:06:19 UTC  

I think Trump made the economy more economical

2019-12-25 23:06:59 UTC  

the opposite, we are wasting capital

2019-12-25 23:07:58 UTC  

I mean, I never understood capital. What good is it anyway if it causes cancer

2019-12-25 23:09:55 UTC  

I think our economy is kinda like 6G. It's better than 5G but what good is that if you don't have a phone that can use it

2019-12-25 23:09:56 UTC  

GG @StrokeNDong, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-12-25 23:14:27 UTC  

haha.. Trump and his entire administration are piles of shit and i hope they all rot in hell. Same with half of the democrats. What we need are lolis. The more cute lolis in charge the better.

2019-12-25 23:25:48 UTC  

everytime I come here, I keep finding less of a reason to look at politics

2019-12-25 23:34:38 UTC  

@Sh0t So you are trying to say that alot of finacial institutes arn't liable for alot of issues that they cause.

2019-12-25 23:35:16 UTC  

Instead they take advantage of that and abuse that system to pretty much be these banking cartels

2019-12-25 23:45:06 UTC  

Merry Christmas everyone🇺🇸 <a:pepeJAMXMAS:645939047453294612>

2019-12-25 23:49:21 UTC  


2019-12-25 23:49:50 UTC

2019-12-26 00:04:12 UTC  


2019-12-26 01:10:43 UTC  


2019-12-26 02:58:54 UTC  


2019-12-26 04:08:16 UTC  


2019-12-26 20:59:31 UTC  


2019-12-26 21:02:39 UTC  

So apparently a cameo of Trump in the movie Home Alone 2 was cut out for time, and the MAGA people are flipping their shit.

2019-12-26 21:03:23 UTC  

Wasn't that a 90s movie? It's serious digging to think there's some large conspiracy over keeping the president's face out of six seconds in the movie.

2019-12-26 21:07:14 UTC  


2019-12-26 21:07:30 UTC  

I watched both Home Alone and Home Alone 2 with my family yesterday