Message from @Yusa

Discord ID: 691669753877495808

2020-03-23 14:41:25 UTC  

Government regulation in moderation is a good thing. No one denies that. Socialism is an economic system that has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

2020-03-23 14:44:33 UTC  

What I was talking about is we need a leader who doesn't immediately think of himself and the stock market when he hears that people are dying because of a virus that is spreading like wildfire in *his* country. That has nothing to do with socialism.

2020-03-23 14:44:33 UTC  

GG @Festive Spaghetti, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-03-23 15:06:04 UTC  


2020-03-23 15:06:06 UTC  

is big bad

2020-03-23 15:12:34 UTC  


2020-03-23 15:14:34 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti First off, yes capitalism will (and has) done the trick while socialism has failed. Many critical thinkers deny that government regulation is a good thing. Look at any socialist country you want to and tell me how they are a success. Capitalism built up America’s standard of living and innovation to the place it is today. Of course, there needs to be something in place so that people don’t exploit capitalism, but that is called protection, not regulation.

2020-03-23 15:16:23 UTC  

Also, those are my weakest arguments. I have much stronger ones, but I want to see how you respond to this first.

2020-03-23 15:16:42 UTC  

The only critical thinkers that deny government regulation is a good thing are the people who have been manipulated by the massive cooperations that run the republican party

2020-03-23 15:17:54 UTC  

Also you are assuming that I am a socialist who believes that the free market does nothing right which is horribly untrue.

2020-03-23 15:18:18 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti “manipulated but the massive cooperations” goes against the very definition of critical thinkers.

2020-03-23 15:18:57 UTC  

Also, I am not assuming that

2020-03-23 15:20:35 UTC  

The people you are referring to are the self-proclaimed critical thinkers who like to inject doubt into the peoples brains and cherry pick evidence so they and their fellow billionaires can get the votes they need to overthrow the american government.

2020-03-23 15:20:51 UTC  

Don't be shallow.

2020-03-23 15:20:55 UTC  

See through the bull.

2020-03-23 15:21:51 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti Ok, what about Thomas Jefferson?
(Please tag me when you respond. I’m a bit busy)

2020-03-23 15:23:19 UTC  

@Yusa I'd like to to respond the the main point I was trying to convey earlier instead of crying socialist. I'm giving you the floor.

2020-03-23 15:25:08 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti The point about needing a strong leader who cares about the people? Yeah, we’re getting to that; but because you don’t think capitalism is the best option, I have to convince you of that first

2020-03-23 15:25:50 UTC  

I don't think capitalism is the best option for what?

2020-03-23 15:28:09 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti If I’m assuming correctly, you believe the government should take a socialistic approach to helping the people.

2020-03-23 15:28:39 UTC  

We need to clear that up before we talk about “real leaders”

2020-03-23 15:31:17 UTC  

I don't think that real leaders are socialists if that's what you think. Yes I do believe that healthcare is a right that everyone should have and I don't think that a cooperation that wants nothing more than to make money and please investors should be in charge of keeping me alive. You see if the heathcare market was competitive enough to where capitalism could work it's magic like it does for most markets then I wouldn't have to say this but that simply isn't the case.

2020-03-23 15:34:06 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti The healthcare system is not competitive because the government is funding some of it. If it were truly capitalist, there would be lower prices and better service. Healthcare has many things going against it.

2020-03-23 15:35:03 UTC  

Are you telling me that the government is incentivizing companies to jack insulin prices hundreds of times higher than they should be?

2020-03-23 15:35:18 UTC  

That's where capitalism doesn't work in our favor.

2020-03-23 15:35:26 UTC  

We need regulation.

2020-03-23 15:37:20 UTC  

The government doesn't decide wether or not there is competition in an market. The government wouldn't need to pull out funding if there was a company selling insulin for half the price of everyone else.

2020-03-23 15:39:18 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti No, I’m not. Although the government is subsidizing it, not incentivizing it.
The healthcare system is also often getting sued, which is another reason for high-prices. I agree that healthcare needs fixed, the place it is not is horrible; but by giving it to everybody free, you will create problems, not solve them.

If you were to give out free healthcare, it would result in much higher taxes for the people and eventually complete government control

2020-03-23 15:39:36 UTC  

And that’s just one problem

2020-03-23 15:40:18 UTC  

I never said free healthcare.

2020-03-23 15:40:23 UTC  

When did i say that?

2020-03-23 15:40:40 UTC  

I said healtcare is a right but I never said that you should just be given insulin for free.

2020-03-23 15:41:47 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti Wait, you don’t? Ok. That makes things much easier

2020-03-23 15:41:54 UTC  

The only point where you should just be given care for free is when you're literally dying.

2020-03-23 15:41:57 UTC  

I get what you’re saying

2020-03-23 15:42:04 UTC  

I don't understand why you want to pay to live.

2020-03-23 15:42:13 UTC  

ok good

2020-03-23 15:44:14 UTC  

Nobody wants to pay to live, but they would be paying for it anyways if “free healthcare for people who are dying” was implemented. They would just be paying their fees ahead of time (through taxes).

2020-03-23 15:44:30 UTC  


2020-03-23 15:44:45 UTC  

Don’t you see the problem with that?

2020-03-23 15:44:46 UTC  

If you pay your dues you get rewarded for it.