Message from @BarronVon

Discord ID: 697546216946401291

2020-04-08 20:04:51 UTC  


2020-04-08 20:05:07 UTC  

can u link ur study

2020-04-08 20:06:18 UTC  

People who skip care are poor, of those with serious medical conditions - 27% skipped tests, 35% postponed needed treatment

2020-04-08 20:06:28 UTC  

And of these people, 23% found a reduction in their condition.

2020-04-08 20:06:35 UTC  

That's very small.

2020-04-08 20:06:59 UTC  

Which means any impact on survival rates will be too small to detect.

2020-04-08 20:07:15 UTC  

Bernie Sanders has officially suspended campaign, and thus his chance. Given the current stream, any suspense in one's campaign means them dropping out. And this had been evident from previous people like Elizabeth, and that guy who said, 'HELL YES WE'RE TAKING YOUR AR'S"

2020-04-08 20:09:27 UTC  

: About four in ten of 18-64-year-olds who are living in a household with someone (including themselves) with a serious medical condition say they have skipped dental care or checkups (41 percent), relied on home remedies or over-the-counter drugs instead of going to a doctor (40 percent) due to cost, or say they have postponed needed care (35 percent). About one-fourth have skipped a recommended medical test or treatment (27 percent) because of the cost while one-fifth (19 percent) say they have had problems getting mental health care due to cost. In addition, one-fourth (23 percent) of those living in a household with a serious medical condition say they or their family member’s condition got worse as a result of not getting the recommended care (see Tables A.6 and A.7). Click here to learn more about the affordability issues among the sick.:

2020-04-08 20:09:40 UTC  

:About four in ten of 18-64-year-olds who are living in a household with someone (including themselves) with a serious medical condition say they have skipped dental care or checkups :

2020-04-08 20:10:01 UTC  

23% of the 4 in ten had the condition worsen

2020-04-08 20:10:08 UTC  

the 27% is something entirely different

2020-04-08 20:10:12 UTC  

its actually considerably worse

2020-04-08 20:12:53 UTC  

so it looks like about 9% of people with serious medical conditions have care worsened because of cost and 11% do not get diagnosed/tested because of cost

2020-04-08 20:13:15 UTC  

these are the most vulnerable parts of the population and they are not represented in your survival stats

2020-04-08 20:31:47 UTC  

Which is a fraction of the entire population, meaning if these people are counted and most of them die - there would be little change - because of their population.

2020-04-08 20:32:25 UTC  


2020-04-08 20:32:54 UTC  

omitting a tenth of a dataset that looks the worst invalidates the data

2020-04-08 20:33:03 UTC  

It ain’t a tenth, it’s much less.

2020-04-08 20:34:20 UTC  

So of 1800000 people, around probably a few hundred is omitted. Of those hundred less amounts die, it won’t impact the survival rate at all.

2020-04-08 20:39:37 UTC  

biden won

2020-04-08 20:39:43 UTC  

where the bernie broz

2020-04-08 23:58:35 UTC  

I want trump to punch me in my dick hole

2020-04-08 23:58:41 UTC  

Hes so sexy

2020-04-09 02:04:08 UTC  

Well, America, you had your last chance to return to normalcy and almost had a real change to the shit show we're seeing now. Bernie's out, Biden will definetly lose to Trump because he can't compose a single comeback ("Ah,C'moon"). Trump's gonna get another 4 years, but I guess that over the last few months he seems like a perfect president for you lot.

Farewell, I'll see you all in therapy.

2020-04-09 02:21:50 UTC  

Nobody said he was perfect lmao

2020-04-09 02:54:51 UTC  

except for literally every trump supporter. I'm still waiting for you guys to say one bad thing about him by the way. prove me wrong please.

2020-04-09 02:57:43 UTC  

His tax cuts would have likely given us economic trouble down the road, the wall is far too expensive for a marginal reduction in illegal immigration, he's a major asshole, he should try to say less redundant sentences, and he could have spoken better in regards to the coronavirus.

2020-04-09 02:57:56 UTC  

There, now fuck off with that disingenuous argument.

2020-04-09 02:59:32 UTC  

Now can *you* say anything bad about the democrats, since you seem to constantly want to evade that?

2020-04-09 03:03:29 UTC  

If you are willing to admit that trump has many flaws then you probably aren't supporting him. I don't like democrats or republicans because I'm an independent, I just happen to side more with liberal policies than conservative policies.

2020-04-09 03:06:39 UTC  

I will never defend a politician out of loyalty though that is objectively wrong.

2020-04-09 03:06:46 UTC  

I'm not a Trump supporter, correct, but at the same time he is the best candidate in this election and he hasn't actually been an awful president. He also actually has, well, policies and platforms to run on, and not just "Trump bad."

2020-04-09 03:07:36 UTC  

The majority don't defend him just out of loyalty though, is the thing. I see this *much* more often in democrats, which is why I left the party.

2020-04-09 03:07:47 UTC  

Joe biden is an awful candidate.

2020-04-09 03:07:57 UTC  

He truly is.

2020-04-09 03:08:23 UTC  

I have no idea who is better. In terms of policy i side more with joe biden but its hard to vote for someone in cognative decline

2020-04-09 03:08:24 UTC  

I never thought the DNC could fuck up even worse after Hillary, and then... there's Joe Biden.

2020-04-09 03:08:44 UTC  

There has to be a better democrat out there that can beat trump

2020-04-09 03:08:56 UTC  

i would take anyone besides trump or joe at this point

2020-04-09 03:10:34 UTC  

Though in fairness almost their entire presidential roster was awful. Gabbard could have really been a formidible candidate, and I'd probably vote for her over Trump, but they sabotaged her campaign because she doesn't follow in line with the others.