Message from @Anemic Crusader

Discord ID: 505363843237675012

2018-10-26 12:41:50 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:44:25 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:44:43 UTC  

@Anemic Crusader how's is going, for you?

2018-10-26 12:51:01 UTC  

all good over here

2018-10-26 12:51:16 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:51:23 UTC  

How's the cold and shit?

2018-10-26 12:51:36 UTC  

yeah, getting better

2018-10-26 12:51:43 UTC  

How bad was it?

2018-10-26 12:51:49 UTC  

not all that bad

2018-10-26 12:51:57 UTC  

something interesting happened to me today

2018-10-26 12:52:05 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:52:10 UTC  

>be me
>at barbershop
>barber is finishing my hair
>his wife walks in
>starts talking about some family stuff
>haircut ends
>"wow, men's hair is so thick, us women only get thin hair"
>agree, that is a biological reality
>"do you have children"
>barber, being the typical Italian smartass he is says something along the lines of "no, he's still a baby"
>"I'm only 21"
>"oh, well when you have children, you'll notice that the boys have thicker hair than the girls"
>when you have children
>**When** you have **children**
>barber doesn't disagree

Holy shit, they knows something I don't. Am I finally gonna move on and become a normie with a wife and kids?

2018-10-26 12:52:30 UTC  

this happened

2018-10-26 12:52:38 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:52:57 UTC  

The question is not if you can be a normie, but do you **want** to be a normie

2018-10-26 12:53:23 UTC  

is it possible to be married with children and not a normie?

2018-10-26 12:54:02 UTC  

Probably not, unless you date a vidyafag then become even weirder

2018-10-26 12:54:15 UTC  

And children will end up being spergs

2018-10-26 12:54:49 UTC  

hope you faggots will take good care of them when the autistic little niggers finally discover the cool side of the internet

2018-10-26 12:55:01 UTC  

Anemic. You are Chad thundercock. Embrace it.

2018-10-26 12:55:29 UTC  

fuck, this is like the 8th community to tell me that

2018-10-26 12:55:36 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:55:46 UTC  

Well, it's not too untrue. You are extremely chad

2018-10-26 12:55:57 UTC  

Well, you have the ability to be

2018-10-26 12:56:22 UTC  

well, at least I'm guaranteed to not die a virgin

2018-10-26 12:57:05 UTC  

Or turn out like musso

2018-10-26 12:57:10 UTC  

I just hope I don't die a normalfag

2018-10-26 12:57:14 UTC  


2018-10-26 12:57:28 UTC  

The ride isn't supposed to end

2018-10-26 12:57:59 UTC  

I've been here since '05

2018-10-26 12:58:13 UTC  

Musso is the absolute combination of Chad and *chan culture.

2018-10-26 12:58:28 UTC  

He's dating a Jap chick and is a metalworker

2018-10-26 12:58:37 UTC  

Musso's the kind of dude who I can imagine in any situation

2018-10-26 12:58:44 UTC  

Ye lol

2018-10-26 12:59:10 UTC  

Dude could be doin' anything and it'd be completely normal because it's musso

2018-10-26 12:59:16 UTC  

absolute chad

2018-10-26 12:59:45 UTC  

Like, plumbing? Musso, defending his house? Musso, robbing someone else? Musso

2018-10-26 12:59:56 UTC  

Absolute chad

2018-10-26 13:00:07 UTC  

Dude could be behind the serine attacks in japan and I wouldnt be surprised.

2018-10-26 13:00:27 UTC  

Tbh he probably *leads* that cult

2018-10-26 13:00:53 UTC  
