Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 633630764109660170

Well, seems cool To me.

2019-10-15 10:32:10 UTC  

The sort of orthodox Muslims, the salafi jihadists are the ones that have little qualms about killing and enforcing sharia law by the book.

So, there Are Some Groups that doesnt want sharia law?

2019-10-15 10:33:11 UTC  

They all do pretty much

2019-10-15 10:33:41 UTC  

But like some are more reluctant about killing everyone and have more liberal interpretations

Its confusing, their negativity and their Hatred is really messing the muslims right, tons of muslims Are getting killed bc of Conspiracy of their Constitution

They are really Contained To Reach it But Some of their Groups doesnt let them, really surprised.

2019-10-15 10:35:27 UTC  

Like when they have little to no power to officially implement sharia law, they don’t always stir trouble

2019-10-15 10:36:15 UTC  

But like they wouldn’t mind sharia law, and they would be okay with executing people that violate it if it was acceptable by most of the public

I really prefer That, Who does Sin and get their Execution by the people who Agrees Makes It really fair and pristine.

Wish it would be like that, but Some of their messy Constitution considered By the others Countries are handed To Finish them and never Let them go By their rights.

Really makes me triggered and aswell sad.

2019-10-15 10:38:32 UTC  

GG @π‘­π’†π’π’…π’Šβ™‘, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-10-15 11:38:31 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby or @Deleted User , I have asked this question several times and just get avoided each time. How do one of you two think that the world was created?

2019-10-15 11:41:36 UTC  

Well, as far back as science has discovered so far -

2019-10-15 11:41:41 UTC  
2019-10-15 11:41:55 UTC  

Hold on, I gotta watch it

2019-10-15 11:42:08 UTC  

Oh it's just a wikipedia article on the big bang

2019-10-15 11:42:19 UTC  

But I suppose you're wondering what I think caused it to happen

2019-10-15 11:42:21 UTC  

Or what there was before

2019-10-15 11:42:26 UTC  

Well, we don't really know

2019-10-15 11:43:03 UTC  

But the big bang itself is only a somewhat recent discovery - who knows what more we will discover?

2019-10-15 11:43:14 UTC  

So, I've been wondering and have been told differently about how the bang works

2019-10-15 11:43:31 UTC  

The most popular answer I've gotten is to particles colliding and creating everything we know

2019-10-15 11:43:42 UTC  

Is that the way you understand it?

2019-10-15 11:44:10 UTC  

Well, if you're curious about the science behind it - that wiki article is a pretty good explanation. If reading isn't your thing, YouTube has many videos I'm sure

2019-10-15 11:44:11 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby So all in all god is fake?

2019-10-15 11:44:33 UTC  

Singularity, all matter at one point - big explosion, everything comes out

2019-10-15 11:44:40 UTC  

That's the basic idea

2019-10-15 11:44:45 UTC  


2019-10-15 11:44:49 UTC  

so god is fake

2019-10-15 11:44:57 UTC  

its just made up by humans

2019-10-15 11:45:07 UTC  

Uhh well, yes that's one way of putting it

2019-10-15 11:45:13 UTC  


2019-10-15 11:45:33 UTC  

I like the simulation theory

2019-10-15 11:45:37 UTC  

Though, we don't know for sure of course. The monotheistic versions of "god" are by definition, scams of course

2019-10-15 11:45:46 UTC  

(the popular ones)

2019-10-15 11:45:50 UTC  

why did usa actually let their WTC towers go down just to invade middle east

2019-10-15 11:46:10 UTC  

Simulations are interesting, though of course there is still the problem of the "real" world outside the simulation

2019-10-15 11:46:14 UTC  

Which would face the same questions

2019-10-15 11:46:15 UTC  

why did the us blow up the maine or lie about the gulf of tonkin incident