Message from @Lou

Discord ID: 695754206337826867

2020-04-03 21:33:58 UTC  

Well sin wasn't made by our free will but we chose it

2020-04-03 21:34:51 UTC  

yeah if we cant be bad we cant be good, that make sense

2020-04-03 21:35:03 UTC  

Well Eve chose to commit it a and her decendants, meaning us, were cursed by it

2020-04-03 21:36:44 UTC  

its like love, if love exist its because we choose to love

2020-04-03 21:37:41 UTC  

so we can choose to not love

2020-04-03 21:39:18 UTC  

Well yes, yeah that's a way to put it. God set marage and gender up when he made us. We can choose not to love and that's fine

2020-04-03 21:41:57 UTC  

but, why I have some issues with my gender since I have 5 years old
did I make mistake? every things is my fault?

2020-04-03 21:42:57 UTC  

No it's not your fault. Did you get a genetic gender defect?

2020-04-03 21:45:09 UTC  

not really, I just had a very early puberty. maybe it's one of the reasons.

2020-04-03 21:50:18 UTC  

but what do you mean by genetic gender defects, something like a women with a lot of testosterone and a men voice?

2020-04-03 21:52:57 UTC  

But just imagine where things would be if Adam and Eve left that tree alone.

2020-04-03 21:53:46 UTC  

Sorry had t to eat

2020-04-03 21:53:46 UTC  

GG @Svea Rike, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-04-03 21:54:09 UTC  

don't worry 😄

2020-04-03 21:54:09 UTC  

GG @Lou, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-04-03 21:55:21 UTC  

Gender defects basically means the whole spectrum. Like what you said is 1 to having different parts and many other things.

2020-04-03 21:56:28 UTC  

So the early puberty what made you have issues?

2020-04-03 21:57:42 UTC  

actually, when i was 6 years old I sometimes cry a whole night just because of my body

2020-04-03 21:58:04 UTC  

What gender are you biologically

2020-04-03 21:58:10 UTC  


2020-04-03 21:58:49 UTC  

and Im currently in transition

2020-04-03 21:59:22 UTC  

So what made you self conscious about yourself? Had puberty affected you at that time?

2020-04-03 22:03:29 UTC  

I always hated the thing that I was a boy, but when my puberty start (at 9 years old) I was destroy inside because I saw me become a men.

2020-04-03 22:04:16 UTC  

Oh I see. So what did you not like about being a boy?

2020-04-03 22:12:51 UTC  

I can't answer properly because I also don't know why, but I can say that I was seeing me like a girl and don't recognise me as boy, in my dream I was a normal girl, and I had a behaviour pretty girly, all my friends was girl...
and I also can say that see me as a boy with a boy body made me sick, I was depressed and i was in bad things like scarification to compensate.

2020-04-03 22:13:27 UTC  

(I really have to improve my english XD, its so hard to learn a language)

2020-04-03 22:20:51 UTC  

Your English is good just some grammar lol. So if I may ask how old are you? With a decision like this it impacts you for your life. There is a thing in puberty where because of the increase in male hormones, the female hormones increase as well, but that seems unlikely in your case since this started before puberty.

2020-04-03 22:22:33 UTC  

I came out when as was 14 but now Im 17

2020-04-03 22:25:23 UTC  

yeah of course I dont wanna be like these trans people who regret their transition

2020-04-03 22:27:59 UTC  

Ok so you have thought about this decision? Yeah I've seen those people I know that this is a tough decision but in all reality I would try praying I know you don't believe but just try. Has your puberty ended already?

2020-04-03 22:33:45 UTC  

yes my puberty is ended already. But for the moment, I haven't done anything irreversible yet, I prefer to wait because Im afraid.

2020-04-03 22:34:50 UTC  

but I don't want to live with my gender distoria anymore

2020-04-03 22:35:20 UTC  

So I think I will take a decision this year

2020-04-03 22:35:35 UTC  

Yeah that's the thing. So when did you want to transition more when you were 14 or now. Also have you talked to anyone about this like a counselor?

2020-04-03 22:39:45 UTC  

because of my background my parents tried to change that, so I already saw a lot of professional in psychiatry, and a few pastor.

2020-04-03 22:49:14 UTC  

So are you sure this is the action you want to take? Just remember that this is permanent and back to a religious standpoint, not God approved

2020-04-03 22:50:32 UTC  

If this is what you truly want no one can really stop you, but I know that the pain caused by the gender distoria is hard to deal with

2020-04-03 22:57:18 UTC  

no, I'm not sure sure, but I know that I can't support the current situation anymore, that's why Im confuse.
you're exactly the type of person that I need, Im so glad to meet someone like you, generally I cant talk with LGBT because they encourage me but I also cant talk with a lot of religious because they don't respect me.
thank you.

2020-04-03 22:58:54 UTC  

Thank you that's so nice!

2020-04-03 22:59:58 UTC  

Just remember no matter what you do if you turn to God no matter what you did he will accept you, and so should religious people.

2020-04-03 23:02:36 UTC  

But if your not sure, then in my opinion go to the safe side. In most cases of hard decisions the safe side is better. I know that the pain is difficult but try to talk to your friends about it and people you trust.