Message from @Gerry
Discord ID: 587420223943213073
they're back
gender issues are so stupid, every human is freaking equal, the real issues should be point of view and stuffs
thats not true
!ban @Deleted User nsfw
shut the fuck up
2 genders, don't know why this is a topic of debate
It's settled
That is just wrong
Sorry libtard, facts don't lie
there can be as many genders as someone wants it to be
saying otherwise is just dumb
Frankly bud that's just not true
All in your head
there are only 2 sexes sure
but gender is just a made up term
so technically there can be as many genders as one wants
My gender is dinosaur
Sadly my dad beats me ):
Blog on
Talking about gender in general is just dumb
@Gerry Not really. It is a legit field of study that goes back to philosophers such as Nietzsche and can be interesting and defying of the current understanding of binaries and structures of thinking society stablished as a "fact" when they are not
Nietzsche is based
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<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **.^.**, you need to wait 1 minute, 3 seconds to use that command again
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Hippity Hoppity are women property?
Yes they are
Well uh