Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 638292106267328544

2019-10-28 01:57:46 UTC  


2019-10-28 01:57:47 UTC  


2019-10-28 01:57:50 UTC  

-mute @Aquila 1w spamming n word

2019-10-28 01:57:51 UTC  

🔇 Muted `Aquila#4637` for `1 week`

2019-10-28 01:57:56 UTC  


2019-10-28 01:58:08 UTC  

damn he kinda slow at spamming.

2019-10-28 01:58:17 UTC  

slow brain smhmh

2019-10-28 01:58:28 UTC  

smh my head

2019-10-28 01:58:28 UTC  

retarded ass person onj

2019-10-28 02:39:01 UTC  


2019-10-28 05:37:20 UTC  


2019-10-28 06:05:45 UTC  

Any Pro Choice out there waaant to debaaate, maybe?

2019-10-28 06:05:53 UTC  

I am Pro Life.

2019-10-28 06:08:28 UTC  


2019-10-28 06:31:29 UTC  


2019-10-28 06:31:31 UTC  


2019-10-28 06:35:07 UTC  

The gender pay argument is that women get paid less compared to men for the exact same job and exact same length of work.The gender pay argument comes from a poor interpretation of statistics that compares men and women's average earnings in which we can see the average male earns more than the average female. these stats just tell you how much they get paid nothing more,it's like me quoting the stat that says more men die during work then females and saying that is because jobs are designed to kill males, see how illogical that is?one of the limitations of these statistics are that it does not tell you the factors that cause this.this statistics does not take into account of different jobs different hours worked or how many days worked and etc.this argument is abused because if I was a company owner and I could pay a woman half amount of money that I would pay to man and i could also get away with that,then i would only heir woman because i get to pay them less. The reality of the matter is that women get paid less because of work discretions.the factual feminist commented on this matter ’’It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure or hours worked per week’’. So the stat don't consider some of the factors she listed.the concepts that she listed are broad so let me give you more specific examples:men on average work are more likely to work over time then woman.woman on average are more likely to work for shorter hours(leave workplace early),Women are 42 percent more likely than men to take sick days.a research done by jobs site CV-Library indicated that males were usually more into adjusting salary and females were more interested in adjusting working hours,Two out of three men said they were comfortable asking for a pay rise

2019-10-28 06:35:09 UTC  

and just two in five women, according to the report.the factual femnaist said also mentioned occupations lets go into specific examples.the risky jobs that pay high are lusual done by males probs because males would be more interested in doing them than females or that some females might not be physically equipped for the job,the avarage males is stronger then the average males aka have better muscles for lifting things while females muscles might be good for other things therefore its only natural for there to be more males in ricky jobs.if we use the information that Office for National Statistics has gathered if realsie woman in there 20s have reavsed the gay gap,2o in there 20s earn more then men in their 20s but males start earning more when in 30s.Ann Pickering commanted on this resreach and said If women are not in the same roles as men, how can they be on the same wage? Older women start earning less because that's when they usually get into caught family business.

2019-10-28 06:36:24 UTC  

Das cool, I guess.

2019-10-28 08:24:57 UTC  

Women suck at negotiating their own salaries - fact.

2019-10-28 08:25:12 UTC  

That is correct

2019-10-28 08:28:50 UTC  

Funny thing, is that they did a good job negotiating salaries on the behalfs of others - just not for themselves...interesting stuff to consider

2019-10-28 08:30:03 UTC  

Ironic they could save others but not themselves

2019-10-28 09:00:15 UTC  

i was hoping feminist would attack me after reading what i said,not agree with me

2019-10-28 09:04:17 UTC  

Hey I mean, it means less people who disagree with you and more who agree with you.

2019-10-28 10:35:53 UTC  

no feminists here, this is discord

2019-10-28 15:38:03 UTC  


2019-10-28 16:30:43 UTC  

There are a couple

2019-10-28 16:30:48 UTC  

Only on this channel tho

2019-10-28 16:47:04 UTC  

@Alrik I'm a "feminist" but don't really see a problem with what you wrote

2019-10-28 16:47:29 UTC  

It's common sense stuff

2019-10-28 16:56:31 UTC  

```Feminism is Annoying - Rosa Parks```

2019-10-28 17:16:48 UTC  

if it was common sense i wouldtn have to do research to know this

2019-10-28 19:19:20 UTC  

you would need to do research for some of that

2019-10-28 19:19:26 UTC  

just saying

2019-10-28 21:05:56 UTC  

Rosa Parks thought feminism was annoying because she’s a libtard

2019-10-28 21:06:10 UTC  


2019-10-28 21:13:40 UTC  
2019-10-28 22:02:37 UTC  
2019-10-28 23:26:09 UTC