Message from @NobleBeing

Discord ID: 684629223045988382

2020-03-04 02:11:21 UTC  

@NobleBeing well between Jews, Muslims and immigrants sounds like we’ll be fine then.

2020-03-04 02:11:21 UTC  

GG @Sophie, you just advanced to level 16!

2020-03-04 03:06:31 UTC  

The only way the US would maintain the same standard of living by cutting in half the workforce would be if the remaining workers were twice as productive. There's only the same amount of money to go around if productivity remains constant.

2020-03-04 03:07:07 UTC  

Someone just doesn't like that women compete with men for jobs, and often compete extremely well

2020-03-04 03:09:54 UTC  

As far as childrearing, don't forget the usefulness of grandparents. Patients have kids and both keep working. Grandparents rear the kids. Worked great for us and our kids are doing quite well. With people living longer, this is a great resource.

2020-03-04 03:10:23 UTC  

I look forward to rearing my kids' kids some day long in the future.

2020-03-04 03:12:24 UTC  

And really examine your history, "Daddy". Women have worked damn hard throughout history. Only aristocratic women were able to be coddled at home or focus just on kids.

2020-03-04 03:13:20 UTC  

Oh, and where is this hyperinflation of which you speak?

2020-03-04 04:11:18 UTC  


2020-03-04 04:14:20 UTC  

@NobleBeing Gonna have to break if to you but the size of a brain has literally no correlation to IQ

2020-03-04 04:15:03 UTC  


2020-03-04 04:15:28 UTC  

Any women that would be smart enough to be an inventor got flat out labeled as witch and thrown on the burning pile because of male superiority

2020-03-04 04:16:01 UTC  

sup guys

2020-03-04 04:16:13 UTC  

Also, most of household labor is heavy physical activity so wtf. Try doing your chores without electricity

2020-03-04 04:16:13 UTC  


2020-03-04 04:18:01 UTC  

who agrees

2020-03-04 04:20:55 UTC  

abortion is gender issues?

2020-03-04 04:21:01 UTC  


2020-03-04 04:21:02 UTC  


2020-03-04 04:21:18 UTC  

lmao just didnt know where to put it

2020-03-04 05:12:06 UTC  

@DrYuriMom ok boomer

2020-03-04 06:01:08 UTC  

Also, "IQ hardly matters"

2020-03-04 06:01:13 UTC  

Do realize most inventions are done by the highly gifted

2020-03-04 06:01:24 UTC  

IQ matters in the retrospect of logical thinking, mostly problem-solving

2020-03-04 08:29:24 UTC  

@abby_ella 4.8 cents is not justification for the damage the feminist movement causes

2020-03-04 09:14:06 UTC  

@NobleBeing Oh, thanks for telling me what will make me happiest, how would I have figured that out without you? Seriously, though, the country’s not dying. In fact, despite lower birth rates, the population is increasing. So, your whole argument about the replacement rate and all that just amounts to you telling women that they should subordinate their desires to your vision of what the country should be. What gives you that right?

2020-03-04 10:03:28 UTC  

Yes, unskilled 3rd world immigration is a great way of increasing the population

2020-03-04 10:08:28 UTC  

Population is increasing because of illegal immigrants 😂

2020-03-04 10:08:46 UTC  

and they're bringing the 3rd world along with them while they're at it

2020-03-04 10:08:54 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:09:40 UTC  

It's clear to anyone with a functioning brain that the West is being "engineered" in order to weaken it

2020-03-04 10:10:04 UTC  

feminism is a spoke in the wheel

2020-03-04 10:10:10 UTC  

immigrants another

2020-03-04 10:22:24 UTC  

Yeah it must be a full-on coincidence that all WHITE countries only

2020-03-04 10:22:29 UTC  

Are being invaded by immigrants

2020-03-04 10:22:32 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:22:51 UTC  

"white guilt" being planted to keep people submissive

2020-03-04 10:23:18 UTC  

i personally think illegal immigrants should be deported

2020-03-04 10:23:18 UTC  

GG @Scaranon, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-03-04 10:23:20 UTC  

denationalization happening

2020-03-04 10:23:27 UTC  

> Aristotle is greatly concerned with the preservation of civil peace in the city-state. One of the most common causes of “faction” and civil war, he says, was the unhappy consequences of unassimilated immigration and the consequent diversity