Message from @Techpriest

Discord ID: 567465797455183882

2019-04-15 21:43:20 UTC  

Just because I did not elaborate several hours ago on a question not yet asked does not mean I have somehow changed my stance

2019-04-15 21:43:31 UTC  

But whenever I say that you are talking about immigrants you say **"No I'm not talking about immigrants"**

2019-04-15 21:44:03 UTC  

You're outright lying about what I've said.

2019-04-15 21:44:04 UTC

2019-04-15 21:44:15 UTC  

***Not just specifically immigrants***

2019-04-15 21:44:45 UTC  

I **was**, several hours ago, specifically talking about immigration, then the conversation shifted. If you can't follow the conversation then I can't hold your hand through it

2019-04-15 21:44:52 UTC  

I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted it but when you say **"and not peaceful migrants coming to society, but migrants transferring all the problems of their old country"** it sounds like you're saying that its the migrants who have brought these problems

2019-04-15 21:45:00 UTC  

And I think thats how anyone would interpret that statement

2019-04-15 21:45:11 UTC  

And I know more recently you've said its not to do with migrants specifically

2019-04-15 21:45:23 UTC  

But that woud then indicate that you no longer thin that migrants are the cause of these problems

2019-04-15 21:45:27 UTC  

I don't understand how this is so hard for you to understand, that the topic of a conversation can change over several hours.

2019-04-15 21:45:35 UTC  

When you implied they were the cause of these problems an hour ago

2019-04-15 21:45:45 UTC  

I'm not saying the topic has changed

2019-04-15 21:45:47 UTC  

And no, it doesn't, no reasonable person would believe that me elaborating on an issue somehow means I no longer thing one portion of that issue is a problem

2019-04-15 21:46:07 UTC  

I'm saying you are now talking about the same problems as you were earlier but you're now saying that something else is the cause

2019-04-15 21:46:13 UTC  

peaceful migrants

2019-04-15 21:46:15 UTC  

is oxymoronic

2019-04-15 21:46:25 UTC  

Anyway this discussion has gone long past the point of being contstructive so I'm gonna fuck off

2019-04-15 21:46:25 UTC  

A good analogy would be me saying "I like dogs," and then slightly later saying "I like cats." Then you say "so you no longer like dogs huh? You've changed your view!"

2019-04-15 21:46:25 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:46:29 UTC  

All immigrants no matter what color they are will never be peaceful.

2019-04-15 21:46:36 UTC  

Eh, "cya" then lemon.

2019-04-15 21:47:20 UTC  

I've noticed many conversations I have with those on the left end this way. Once the conversations stops going their way, and the data presents a backing for my argument, they muddy the water with mind numbing loops of semantics until one side gives up

2019-04-15 21:49:23 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:49:30 UTC  

You don't even have a clear argument

2019-04-15 21:50:55 UTC  

You've only sent one table that shows some vague correlation and absolutely no causation

2019-04-15 21:51:03 UTC  

Don't even try and pretend you have valid data

2019-04-15 21:56:41 UTC  

Also this was never a Left vs Right issue

2019-04-15 21:56:51 UTC  

You have no idea what my economic beliefs are

2019-04-15 21:57:00 UTC  

lel radical centralists

2019-04-15 21:57:02 UTC  

This is a Liberal vs Conservative issue

2019-04-15 21:57:15 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:57:20 UTC  

Conservatives want good immigrants who will assimilate as quick as possible.

2019-04-15 21:57:33 UTC  

Liberals want good immigrants who stands out in a multi-cultural society.

2019-04-15 21:57:38 UTC  

Depends on the conssrevative

2019-04-15 21:57:41 UTC  

some want that

2019-04-15 21:58:01 UTC  

Some (the alt right) want no immigration and think the west should remain majority white

2019-04-15 21:58:05 UTC  

Diversity is Strength vs. Together as One Strength.

2019-04-15 21:58:08 UTC  

(the alt right)

2019-04-15 21:58:10 UTC  

the alt right is a meme

2019-04-15 21:58:19 UTC  

you have some advocating for good legal immigrants