Message from @Techpriest

Discord ID: 567468775624933410

2019-04-15 21:46:29 UTC  

All immigrants no matter what color they are will never be peaceful.

2019-04-15 21:46:36 UTC  

Eh, "cya" then lemon.

2019-04-15 21:47:20 UTC  

I've noticed many conversations I have with those on the left end this way. Once the conversations stops going their way, and the data presents a backing for my argument, they muddy the water with mind numbing loops of semantics until one side gives up

2019-04-15 21:49:23 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:49:30 UTC  

You don't even have a clear argument

2019-04-15 21:50:55 UTC  

You've only sent one table that shows some vague correlation and absolutely no causation

2019-04-15 21:51:03 UTC  

Don't even try and pretend you have valid data

2019-04-15 21:56:41 UTC  

Also this was never a Left vs Right issue

2019-04-15 21:56:51 UTC  

You have no idea what my economic beliefs are

2019-04-15 21:57:00 UTC  

lel radical centralists

2019-04-15 21:57:02 UTC  

This is a Liberal vs Conservative issue

2019-04-15 21:57:15 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:57:20 UTC  

Conservatives want good immigrants who will assimilate as quick as possible.

2019-04-15 21:57:33 UTC  

Liberals want good immigrants who stands out in a multi-cultural society.

2019-04-15 21:57:38 UTC  

Depends on the conssrevative

2019-04-15 21:57:41 UTC  

some want that

2019-04-15 21:58:01 UTC  

Some (the alt right) want no immigration and think the west should remain majority white

2019-04-15 21:58:05 UTC  

Diversity is Strength vs. Together as One Strength.

2019-04-15 21:58:08 UTC  

(the alt right)

2019-04-15 21:58:10 UTC  

the alt right is a meme

2019-04-15 21:58:19 UTC  

you have some advocating for good legal immigrants

2019-04-15 21:58:24 UTC  

I mean the discussion started by talking about the alt right and the "great replacement"

2019-04-15 21:58:29 UTC  

oy vey

2019-04-15 21:58:30 UTC  

So that's what I'm talking about

2019-04-15 21:58:31 UTC  

this meme again

2019-04-15 21:58:43 UTC  

reminder that the anglos at the 1800s considered them the TRUE WHITE people

2019-04-15 21:58:48 UTC  

irish were not white

2019-04-15 21:58:49 UTC  


2019-04-15 21:58:49 UTC  

need not apply

2019-04-15 21:58:52 UTC  

the jews are not white

2019-04-15 21:58:53 UTC  

need not apply

2019-04-15 21:58:56 UTC  

The whole idea is fucking dumb

2019-04-15 21:59:01 UTC  

what really happens

2019-04-15 21:59:04 UTC  

the whole idea of race is fucking dumb tbh

2019-04-15 21:59:04 UTC  

America accepts hispanics as white

2019-04-15 21:59:13 UTC  

They did used to be accepted as whites

2019-04-15 21:59:19 UTC  

>did used to be accepted as white

2019-04-15 21:59:20 UTC  

they still are

2019-04-15 21:59:21 UTC  

I don't understand why they aren't tbh

2019-04-15 21:59:27 UTC  

it's because of the leftists

2019-04-15 21:59:29 UTC  

muh cultural identity