Message from @bruv

Discord ID: 572984527543074826

2019-05-01 03:14:14 UTC

2019-05-01 03:14:14 UTC  

GG @- Vexic | Avix -, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-05-01 03:14:21 UTC  

highest IQ but yet can't win a single federal election

2019-05-01 03:14:22 UTC  

Therefore, if you're not a Libertarian, you must be stupid!

2019-05-01 03:14:23 UTC  


2019-05-01 03:14:27 UTC  

Literally this is your logic.

2019-05-01 03:14:31 UTC  


2019-05-01 03:14:51 UTC  

That doesn't mean that race is a legitimate category scientifically speaking nor useful

2019-05-01 03:14:53 UTC  

"I don't agree with your facts b/c you're waycist!!!"

2019-05-01 03:15:03 UTC  

Notice how I haven't uttered the words racist

2019-05-01 03:15:07 UTC  

I've known some African Americans some are stupid, and some are actually educated

2019-05-01 03:15:19 UTC  

Yet you're chimping out and not addressing my points?

2019-05-01 03:15:21 UTC  

This is the case for everyone

2019-05-01 03:15:25 UTC

2019-05-01 03:15:28 UTC  

IQ map

2019-05-01 03:15:28 UTC  

Its almost as if you're a fucking moron

2019-05-01 03:15:33 UTC  

Darker = dumber

2019-05-01 03:15:48 UTC  

OK, conservatives in America how lower IQ's on average

2019-05-01 03:15:51 UTC  

Whats your point?

2019-05-01 03:15:55 UTC  

I am not conservative

2019-05-01 03:15:56 UTC  


2019-05-01 03:16:03 UTC  

Libertarians have the highest IQ's

2019-05-01 03:16:03 UTC  

GG @Yiddlemethisgoyim, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-05-01 03:16:07 UTC  

He's part of the alt right

2019-05-01 03:16:10 UTC  

Are you a Libertarian?

2019-05-01 03:16:17 UTC  

Imagine thinking that IQ isn't affected environmentally on top of genetically.

2019-05-01 03:16:18 UTC  

don't get it that confused with Conservatism

2019-05-01 03:16:19 UTC  

Libertarians are low IQ

2019-05-01 03:16:22 UTC

2019-05-01 03:16:31 UTC  

Notice how you're not addressing what I said.

2019-05-01 03:16:36 UTC  

If they were high IQ they would at least win 1 state election

2019-05-01 03:16:38 UTC  

but they dont

2019-05-01 03:16:43 UTC  

I am not libertarian

2019-05-01 03:16:54 UTC  

Therefore, on average you will have a lower IQ

2019-05-01 03:17:20 UTC

2019-05-01 03:17:27 UTC  

This category you've created serves equal purpose to that of race

2019-05-01 03:17:38 UTC  

or political group of people

2019-05-01 03:17:39 UTC

2019-05-01 03:18:01 UTC  

Low IQ retard literally isn't addressing whats being said

2019-05-01 03:18:08 UTC  

Poor Countries = Lower Education
Less people can afford better educations which in-turn affects IQ.
Your argument about IQ being represented exclusively from genes and skin color is asinine at best. Keep posting graphs in place of your arguments too.

2019-05-01 03:18:10 UTC  
