Message from @Techpriest

Discord ID: 573330749386784798

2019-05-02 02:09:30 UTC  


2019-05-02 02:09:43 UTC  

Im claiming your nation can become socialist slowly

2019-05-02 02:09:48 UTC  

without a revolution

2019-05-02 02:09:55 UTC  

But they're not socialists

2019-05-02 02:10:01 UTC  

Why the fuck would you argue for a revolution

2019-05-02 02:10:02 UTC  

@Techpriest I still need a source showing that individual ownership of the means of production has always existed

2019-05-02 02:10:08 UTC  

so you can't claim this peaceful shift as a transition to socialism without Canada even becoming socialist in the first place

2019-05-02 02:10:25 UTC  

I'm saying it's more likely to happen that your revolution

2019-05-02 02:10:33 UTC  

Can you be realist for a moment?

2019-05-02 02:10:46 UTC  

Are you really arguing for a revolution?

2019-05-02 02:10:53 UTC  

English Capitalist revolution

2019-05-02 02:10:57 UTC  

"individual ownership of the means of production has always existed"

2019-05-02 02:11:07 UTC  

is that your definition of capitalism?

2019-05-02 02:11:07 UTC  

Who said that

2019-05-02 02:11:10 UTC  


2019-05-02 02:11:11 UTC  

As for the race discussion, it can be broken down with a simple analogy regarding nature vs nurture, with a glass of water. Nature is the empty glass, while nurture is how much water is poured into it. At a genetic basis, each person has a different capacity for learning, and the way this person is raised would be the nurture. For most functional humans, the difference between an IQ of 110 and 120 isn't very apparent in day to day life, so nitpicking over it is relatively pointless, especially when the higher rate of crime that minorities commit can be explained by a toxic culture that promotes and glorifies gang violence, hustling, bangin' hoes, and the idea that evil whitey is out to get you.

2019-05-02 02:11:34 UTC  

Individual ownership of the means of production is Capitalism

2019-05-02 02:11:38 UTC  

So, TL:DR, Culture > Race

2019-05-02 02:11:40 UTC  


2019-05-02 02:11:42 UTC  
2019-05-02 02:11:44 UTC  

answer me tehse questions

2019-05-02 02:11:48 UTC  

What is the oldest profession in the world?

2019-05-02 02:11:54 UTC  

Revolution of Capitalism in France

2019-05-02 02:12:00 UTC  

@Billcat Not based on scientific evidence

2019-05-02 02:12:09 UTC  

Oldest profession is hunter

2019-05-02 02:12:09 UTC  

GG @Komrade Kam, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-05-02 02:12:18 UTC  

What's to say IQ does not cause toxic culture and crimes in the first place

2019-05-02 02:12:20 UTC  

not exactly

2019-05-02 02:12:26 UTC  

How so??

2019-05-02 02:12:28 UTC  

It's a proverb that people use

2019-05-02 02:12:31 UTC  

and there is a strong correlation between IQ and life success

2019-05-02 02:12:36 UTC  

The oldest profession in the world is ______

2019-05-02 02:12:48 UTC  

Is it not prostitution then?

2019-05-02 02:12:53 UTC  

That proverb isn't true though, it's a proverb for a reason

2019-05-02 02:13:10 UTC  

Ofc but prostitutes have existed in prehistoric times

2019-05-02 02:13:12 UTC  

Because we have both blacks and whites of varying IQs who are successful regardless of IQ? On average, certain races may not be as smart, but the difference is a very gradual climb and not a sharp cliff

2019-05-02 02:13:35 UTC  

And Prostitutes do indeed individually own the means of their own production

2019-05-02 02:13:36 UTC  

It's a bellcurve, you will find genius black people

2019-05-02 02:13:45 UTC  

If you compare the life of a person with an IQ of 90 and that of a person with the IQ of 150 then of course you'll see a radical difference, but the vast majority fall into the meaty middle