Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 638953591893131264

2019-10-30 04:07:24 UTC  


2019-10-30 04:07:30 UTC  

What are we talking about here

2019-10-30 04:07:47 UTC  

probably eugenics, it looks like

2019-10-30 04:07:55 UTC  

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalising both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

“We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes… and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

-John Ehrlichman, Advisor to Nixon and Assitant to the President of Domestic Affairs during the initial War on Drugs


2019-10-30 04:08:43 UTC  

It was part of the wider CoIntelPro conspiracy against black liberationist and black leftist principally

2019-10-30 04:09:06 UTC  

How does any of what you just said have any relevance today?

2019-10-30 04:09:44 UTC  

We aren’t talking about today, we’re talking about the fact that Nixon’s reasoning for initiating a war on drugs was in-part to suppress Black people

2019-10-30 04:09:56 UTC  

There is currently an Anti White bias being promoted in this world and blacks are just laughing it off because they get affirmative action.

2019-10-30 04:10:02 UTC  


2019-10-30 04:10:20 UTC  

Affirmative Action corrects 200 years of slavery, and 400 years of second class citizenship

2019-10-30 04:11:08 UTC  

No it does not, what happens in the past stays in the past.

2019-10-30 04:12:10 UTC  

You’re more likely to be stopped, arrested, and killed by an officer, if you end up in the judicial system and you’re found guilty of a crime you’re almost definitely getting a worse sentence than your white counterparts, your ancestors have been subject to redlining separating you generationally from the same social services provided to whites in your socioeconomic situation, and the state will defend the right of white men to say that you shouldn’t exist even when such perspectives have continuously lead to racial violence against you

2019-10-30 04:12:36 UTC  

Blacks today have not experienced any sort of slavery, why should they be allowed the privilege's to recieve nonsense benefits? Your supposed to work your way up the ladder in society not have big daddy government give you money just because of your skin color.

2019-10-30 04:12:38 UTC  

But it’s a little bit easier to get into college, assuming you didn’t go to a poorly funded school in a state which directs funds away from black communities

2019-10-30 04:12:44 UTC  

No true

2019-10-30 04:12:46 UTC  

Affirmative Action has truly leveled the playing field.

2019-10-30 04:12:51 UTC  


2019-10-30 04:13:00 UTC  

More whites are shot by cops than blacks are.

2019-10-30 04:13:08 UTC  

Proportionally that’s not true

2019-10-30 04:13:24 UTC  

Black on Black crime is what really is the leading cause of black death in relation to gun violence

2019-10-30 04:13:27 UTC  

Remember kids
Blacks and Whites smoke weed at the same rate yet blacks get arressted more for smoking weed than whites do

2019-10-30 04:13:32 UTC  

Read up the statistic FBI

2019-10-30 04:13:35 UTC  

If you’re just looking at the total number, maybe that’s true but that’s GRUG-headed because you’re comparing a segment of the population which is near 60% to a segment of the population which is about 13%

2019-10-30 04:13:35 UTC  

GG @fuck12moredeadcops, you just advanced to level 15!

2019-10-30 04:13:55 UTC  

Im pulling up FBI statistics, you clearly just making up irrational statments

2019-10-30 04:14:05 UTC  

According to another FBI statistic, White people are more likely to be killed by other whites than Blacks killing Whites

2019-10-30 04:14:11 UTC  

@Deleted User And if you’re arrested for drug possession as a black man you’re more likely to have harsh sentencing than a white convict regardless of your criminal record

2019-10-30 04:14:13 UTC  

But racism is over

2019-10-30 04:14:20 UTC  

Because it’s kind of easier to get into college

2019-10-30 04:14:25 UTC  

In fact black people are all privileged

2019-10-30 04:14:28 UTC  


2019-10-30 04:14:55 UTC  

@!GoldenKingship! Can you cite an FBI statistic which says white people proportionally face more police violence?

2019-10-30 04:15:13 UTC

2019-10-30 04:15:26 UTC

2019-10-30 04:15:37 UTC  

Blacks obviously killing more whites unfortunately.

2019-10-30 04:15:48 UTC  

What does that have to do with police violence against black people?

2019-10-30 04:15:53 UTC  

Literally what’re you talking about

2019-10-30 04:16:09 UTC  

Wow you literally just proved my point

2019-10-30 04:16:13 UTC  

No I didn’t

2019-10-30 04:16:20 UTC  

Nigga do you know what proportionality is?

2019-10-30 04:16:24 UTC  

Did you finish algebra?