Message from @โ„•๐•

Discord ID: 638950203571044392

2019-10-30 03:55:37 UTC  

The party flip narrative is kinda bs. It makes the mislesding assumption that Republicans suddenly became racist to appeal to Southerners.

2019-10-30 03:55:50 UTC  

Because if youโ€™ve actually taken a full IQ test you know that a fucking internet quiz is a waste of time and not going to give you an accurate estimate

2019-10-30 03:56:10 UTC  

@โ„•๐• Republicans are literally on record discussing the Southern Strategy

2019-10-30 03:56:19 UTC  

Yea i was testing it clearly its not accurate.

2019-10-30 03:56:40 UTC  

Democrats are on record saying they will have blacks vote democrat for 200 years

2019-10-30 03:56:48 UTC  

No one has ever given a single example of an explicitly racist pitch by Nixon during his long career.

2019-10-30 03:56:59 UTC  

Also it was the republicans that wanted slavery to be abolished

2019-10-30 03:57:11 UTC  

Voting generally is a waste of time but I get why other black people vote democratic

2019-10-30 03:57:30 UTC  

@โ„•๐• Itโ€™s pretty well-recorded

2019-10-30 03:57:38 UTC  

The first black gongressman was republican. First femal congressman was republican and so on.

2019-10-30 03:57:43 UTC  

As a thing they actively engaged in throughout the 70s-90s

2019-10-30 03:58:00 UTC  

Republicans actually take the initiative in history to do what is right for the society.

2019-10-30 03:58:17 UTC  

Blacks are still on the democrat plantation which is sad.

2019-10-30 03:58:26 UTC @โ„•๐• Like you can dig into the historical narrative and how it formed

2019-10-30 03:58:30 UTC  


2019-10-30 03:58:36 UTC  

As if republicans are any better

2019-10-30 03:59:02 UTC  


2019-10-30 03:59:10 UTC  

Nixon hadย a great record on civil rights. He supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was an avid supporter of theย desegregation of public schools.

2019-10-30 03:59:25 UTC  

When people like Malcolm X , Khalid Muhammad, and even Lois Farrakhan created those narratives around the idea of a liberal plantation it has never been to encourage voting republican

2019-10-30 03:59:54 UTC  

Itโ€™s been to encourage anti-electoralism and a rejection of bourgeois democratic processes in the American state

2019-10-30 03:59:59 UTC  

He also put into affect America's first affirmative action program.

2019-10-30 04:00:43 UTC  

Nixon barely even campaigned in the Deep South

2019-10-30 04:01:19 UTC  

He lost it to a Democrat segragationist

2019-10-30 04:01:21 UTC

2019-10-30 04:01:29 UTC  

He also initiated the War on Drugs as a method of discretely targeting blacks and Chicanos in the US, and created the framework for our current legal system regarding enforcement of drug possession which disproportionately targets and punished black defendants @โ„•๐•

2019-10-30 04:02:02 UTC  

Nixon was far from a pro-black candidate and he definitely wasnโ€™t a pro-black president in terms of his policy

2019-10-30 04:03:39 UTC  

@!GoldenKingship! *Whoah! Abraham Lincoln, someone who openly disparaged African Americans and probably planned to have us all sent to Liberia following the civil war, Frederick Douglas, the man responsible for narratives of pulling ourselves by our bootstraps to combat racism, and Martin Luther King, a man who would have black people beaten to try to gain dignity all were Republicans!*

2019-10-30 04:03:47 UTC  

I better caucas for the GOP

2019-10-30 04:04:04 UTC  

I disagree with the War on Drugs, but Nixon didn't initiate it with the goal of negatively affecting black people.

2019-10-30 04:04:04 UTC  

GG @โ„•๐•, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-10-30 04:04:11 UTC  

He literally did.

2019-10-30 04:04:15 UTC  

Heโ€™s recorded talking about it

2019-10-30 04:04:27 UTC  

Can I have a source please?

2019-10-30 04:05:16 UTC  

We are not all equally the same, We are different and that is special about us.

2019-10-30 04:07:24 UTC  


2019-10-30 04:07:30 UTC  

What are we talking about here

2019-10-30 04:07:47 UTC  

probably eugenics, it looks like

2019-10-30 04:07:55 UTC  

โ€œWe knew we couldnโ€™t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalising both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

โ€œWe could arrest their leaders, raid their homesโ€ฆ and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.โ€

-John Ehrlichman, Advisor to Nixon and Assitant to the President of Domestic Affairs during the initial War on Drugs


2019-10-30 04:08:43 UTC  

It was part of the wider CoIntelPro conspiracy against black liberationist and black leftist principally

2019-10-30 04:09:06 UTC  

How does any of what you just said have any relevance today?

2019-10-30 04:09:44 UTC  

We arenโ€™t talking about today, weโ€™re talking about the fact that Nixonโ€™s reasoning for initiating a war on drugs was in-part to suppress Black people