Message from @iPhi

Discord ID: 644601842453446658

2019-11-13 18:55:16 UTC  

GG @mr. wick, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-11-13 18:56:18 UTC  

Official census bureau projection for 2060.

2019-11-13 18:56:55 UTC  

There will probably be more bi racial

2019-11-13 18:57:27 UTC  

Yea because that's totally what we need right? You think mix racing is morally a good thing?

2019-11-13 18:57:36 UTC  


2019-11-13 18:58:18 UTC  

If we keep race apart then we just end up with more problems

2019-11-13 18:59:01 UTC  

How? You think eradicating identity is a good thing?

2019-11-13 19:00:39 UTC  

The main problem to this issue is seen through immigration.

2019-11-13 19:01:32 UTC  

I don't understand how it makes any sense to have every different background live in the same house and somehow agree with one another.

2019-11-13 19:02:25 UTC  

It’s just something that some people enjoy I don’t understand stand eather but if they want to they can

2019-11-13 19:03:06 UTC  

I feel like they would always be mad at each other but more people seam to be doing it

2019-11-13 19:05:03 UTC  

Be sure to thank Liberals for this abomination! People of White European descent took the risks, did the work -- to make this Nation. Now the non-Whites get our country handed to them!

2019-11-13 19:15:17 UTC  

Everyone should just take pride in their own phenotype and not promote this multiracial dystopia.

2019-11-13 19:35:47 UTC  

Im Asian and i totally agree with you

2019-11-14 01:14:28 UTC  


2019-11-14 16:57:38 UTC  

If you are only around people who believe the same things you do with no variation then you will remain closeminded. A mixing of ideas may be uncomfortable at first for some people but at least then you see multiple perspectives and you can draw your conclusions from there

2019-11-14 17:09:25 UTC  

That's partly true however, i live in a extreme multicural society, lots of people around me are accepting of that and are open to immigration freedom. I don't believe so however i have a personal opinion that hasn't stemmed from anyone elses opinion apart from it rooting from my level of education that has allowed me to adapt my own personal opinion via learning the pros and cons of different situations.

2019-11-14 17:12:42 UTC  

What exactly is the opinion?

2019-11-14 17:59:19 UTC  

partly to retain white majority to be conservative in that aspect

2019-11-14 18:15:33 UTC  

And what benefit do you see to that?

2019-11-14 18:17:35 UTC  

there is no race but human

2019-11-14 18:17:36 UTC  

You will see america fall apart on this bi-partisanship. America will end a slow death and we are nearing the end of it. The free flow of uncontrolled immigration into ones country will ultimatley be the downfall. We are already seeing this in virginia where democrats are using immigrants made up of different ethnicities other than white to take over control.

2019-11-14 18:17:42 UTC  

homo sapiens are the only race

2019-11-14 18:19:14 UTC  

Talking about racial types

2019-11-14 18:20:58 UTC  

There are ethnic groups migrating to America that are not brining those same values that white people had always had in america. So if thats your solution to all the problems in the america that seem to be steming from ethnic backgrounds then you are contributing to the rampant anti-western degeneracy.

2019-11-14 18:22:15 UTC  

Why is it that we need unskilled workers from nigeria and mexico to come to america? We are already seeing companies lay off skilled workers over low skilled workers just so they can pay them less.

2019-11-14 18:25:17 UTC  

Then that is an issue with America and how companies take advantage of workers. That's not the fault of other races.

2019-11-14 18:26:43 UTC  

Yes it is, they come over here thinking its a utopia then our government has to pay them each 100k$ for their entirelifespan which is costing tax payers money that doesnt need to be used on the crap.

2019-11-14 18:27:01 UTC  

The problem is rich people, not immigrants. It's not even close

2019-11-14 18:27:24 UTC  

Too bad so sad, white people don't need to be the generous ones of the world if the rest of the world can't hold themselves.

2019-11-14 18:28:35 UTC  

Yea sure the rich do indeed take responsibility but are you suggesting that they just give out free money to poor people? Thats not how it works bud because all that money will end up being spent and funnel back into the government.

2019-11-14 18:30:16 UTC  

Its your government half run by democrats is the problem and neither republicans nor democrats actually understand that immigration of low skilled workers is what's truly causing a strain on the nation.

2019-11-14 18:31:27 UTC  

I mean do you really want to live in a nation full of degenerates, a multiracial society with no order? Or do you want to live in a society the better suits your own people where you can get along without having an regard for someones else problems just because their different.

2019-11-14 18:31:52 UTC  

Look at south africa where blacks are killing and raping white people because they have become a minority

2019-11-14 18:32:54 UTC  

The government of america is intentionally bringing in immigrants from all ethnicities just so that it has leverage on all ethnicities and have absolute control over the people by proclaiming the government is the new majority.

2019-11-14 18:33:13 UTC  

Absolute racial dominance and people are walking blindly into it.

2019-11-14 18:33:28 UTC  

*what a pathetic neonazi rant looks like*

2019-11-14 18:34:17 UTC  

I can pull up actual government documents that show demographic change and uncontrolled migration is increasing bi partisan in government and straining the economy.

2019-11-14 18:36:51 UTC  

Did you go for maximum self-parody?

2019-11-14 18:37:06 UTC  

The name, the pic, the long boring screeds.

2019-11-14 18:38:06 UTC  

Just keep ignoring the real problems and talk about healthcare and how that will solve everything, yea your right lol.