Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 566275801625001995

2019-04-12 14:51:24 UTC  

Does that mean they won't get pregnant or anything?

2019-04-12 14:51:27 UTC  

It's going to happen either way we might as well protect them

2019-04-12 14:51:45 UTC  

^That’s a defeatist position

2019-04-12 14:52:00 UTC  

Well, I don't like prostitutions tho...

2019-04-12 14:52:27 UTC  

Look, I'd happily try to eliminate it completely but as long as there is a motive of profit prostitution will continue

2019-04-12 14:53:15 UTC  

Nymphomaina is created by society’s who reject traditional morality, and thus because women are liberated they think that it is acceptable to sell their body.

2019-04-12 14:53:15 UTC  

Teens and adults will do oral sex and become atheists, yeah, yeah sure. Good idea, fucking.... Good...

2019-04-12 14:53:15 UTC  

GG @Nogiogo, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-04-12 14:53:20 UTC  

I completely want to eliminate the exploitation of women however I see no way to do it so I want to protect them the most I can.

2019-04-12 14:53:56 UTC  

Morals change, at no point do we need to continue traditional morals. We need to continue justifiable morals

2019-04-12 14:54:06 UTC  

Removing the demand and supply of prostitution starts at the root of what causes sexual hedonism to occur in the first place.

2019-04-12 14:54:47 UTC  

Like, HIV?

2019-04-12 14:55:08 UTC  

Sexual hedonism is not a major issue. Women and men have the absolute moral justification to use their bodies as they wish, however, the key bit is if they wish

2019-04-12 14:55:16 UTC  

Is a moral structure justified in the sense that it teaches men and women to act in away that it would be repulsed by prostitution.

2019-04-12 14:56:02 UTC  

Sexual hedonism is not an issue? Pffft. Look at the divorce rates in the west, the growth of the LGBT and BDSM community.

2019-04-12 14:56:45 UTC  

If you give men and women the ability to be their own moral actors. Do children have the agency to be their own moral actors?

2019-04-12 14:56:53 UTC  

LGBT and BDSM are completely fine to exist and the rise in divorce rates is because of the means of which we use sexuality.

2019-04-12 14:56:59 UTC  

^That example shows your double think

2019-04-12 14:57:15 UTC  

Children do not have the mental capacity to make those choices

2019-04-12 14:57:32 UTC  

Men and women adults have the absolute right to treat themselves as they wish

2019-04-12 14:57:52 UTC  

So you are in favour of restricting morality based on circumstance then.

2019-04-12 14:57:56 UTC  

Children are able to chose their own morals to believe though

2019-04-12 14:58:10 UTC  

If they aren’t their own moral actors, what are they?

2019-04-12 14:58:26 UTC  

But every parent attempts to push their own morals on their children and will restrict their ability to act on those morals

2019-04-12 14:58:41 UTC  

Since they parents birthed them and have the most control over them, are they therefore the property of the parents?

2019-04-12 14:58:44 UTC  

Prostutions will do abortion

2019-04-12 14:58:59 UTC  

Seriously? That's not good...

2019-04-12 14:59:21 UTC  

You're trying to find straw men arguments versus attacking the actual argument

2019-04-12 14:59:37 UTC  

No it’s called Socratic deduction

2019-04-12 15:00:05 UTC  

They are not the property of the parents, however, the parent does have the ability to choose their child's rules and abilities

2019-04-12 15:00:13 UTC  

It's a simple matter of parenthood.

2019-04-12 15:00:17 UTC  

Are you a father??

2019-04-12 15:00:21 UTC  

My question is what are they then?

2019-04-12 15:00:30 UTC  

If they aren’t their own moral actors

2019-04-12 15:00:40 UTC  

And if they aren’t property

2019-04-12 15:00:40 UTC  

What do you consider a moral actor??

2019-04-12 15:00:43 UTC  

What are they?

2019-04-12 15:01:16 UTC  

An individual who is able to decide upon a moral world view and pursue it

2019-04-12 15:01:23 UTC  

What is a moral actor

2019-04-12 15:01:51 UTC  

I literally just told you lol

2019-04-12 15:01:59 UTC  

It just loaded