Message from @GoldenGail3

Discord ID: 619708309922119703

2019-09-06 14:44:22 UTC  


2019-09-06 15:03:11 UTC  


2019-09-06 15:04:56 UTC  

I’d add that when he says “the supply curve doesn’t exist” what he’s saying is that a large majority of supply firms are price takers

2019-09-06 15:05:36 UTC  

So he’s saying that the shape of the supply curve is dependent on the shape of the demand curve, not that the supply curve literally doesn’t exist

2019-09-06 15:05:48 UTC  

He says that in his book

2019-09-06 15:28:51 UTC  


2019-09-06 15:29:00 UTC  

Sophesticated says to have sex

2019-09-06 15:29:07 UTC  

Sex is a demand and supply curve

2019-09-06 15:35:38 UTC  

Yup he’s got it

2019-09-07 00:27:03 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby every counterargument she made literally ignored the points of mine

2019-09-07 00:28:55 UTC  

she thinks the labour supply curve bending backwards was about efficiency of your labour, when it was actually about how higher wages bring enough happiness that you feel less inclination to supply your labour, *this isnt actually what economists mean by efficiency, which is to do with pareto equilibria measurements*. its very easy to conflate these as equivalent, but even if you suppose they were equivalent, this is still a supply curve and if you aggregate the market you will still get a backward bending curve, so its direct evidence for my point. Again though, to focus on this tiny microcosm instead of addressing the fundamental issues behind the model is a bit absurd in the face of all its other problems, this is a very minor issue to contend with in comparison

2019-09-07 00:30:18 UTC  

her reasoning about the upward curvature of a supply curve is that it must bend upwards due to increasing marginal costs, but i provided a study that showed firms have decreasing marginal costs, and perhaps at infinity they all must bend upward, but we dont operate at infinity, we operate at 80% capacity at most, so any real world supply curve would not show strictly upward curvature, there would be kinks *at the minimum* but most of the time it would curve flat or downwards

2019-09-07 00:32:55 UTC  

and whats more, in those 3 chapters, S/D is attacked from perhaps 10+ different angles, and she has done nothing but verify one of those arguments in my favour, while ignoring the multiplicity of other arguments in that source which corroborate my position and failing to understand the basics of another argument

2019-09-07 00:33:57 UTC  

is there even any point in engaging at this point? her entire position is completely debunked

2019-09-07 00:41:33 UTC  

>So he’s saying that the shape of the supply curve is dependent on the shape of the demand curve, not that the supply curve literally doesn’t exist

this has been my point all along. supply and demand are *interdependent* so you can't isolate one and say "well in a vacuum it does this" when in reality, if you alter one curve, you affect the other in a way that is hard to ascertain without extreme levels of empirical data, *which you almost never, ever have*. And if you alter one, which alters the other, which alters the original one again, which alters the other, you have a fucking feedback loop. But you're not even at that level, you just want to reason from first principles without even considering the reality of the situation, *so this doesn't even bother you*. Thus the idea of an independent supply curve is one that *does not exist in reality*

2019-09-07 00:47:46 UTC  

*The firms are also so small that they do not react to any changes in behavior by other firms: in the language of economic theory, their ‘conjectural variation’ – how much all other firms change their output in response to a change in output by one firm – is zero.*

this is your zero. im not sure how you missed this if you actually read the source.

2019-09-07 00:56:15 UTC  

*An essential part of the argument for perfect competition is that each firm is so small that it can’t affect the market price – which it therefore takes as given.*

2019-09-07 01:00:27 UTC  

another zero, jus4u

2019-09-07 01:37:49 UTC  


2019-09-07 01:39:04 UTC  


2019-09-07 01:39:34 UTC  

Who's won - who's lost? We'll see!

2019-09-07 09:28:09 UTC  


2019-09-07 13:08:11 UTC  

@Green Syndicalism so, your explanation of the labor curve still doesn’t address my point, which is that you can HIRE MORE LABOR

2019-09-07 13:09:14 UTC  

@Green Syndicalism great, so we’re back. Would you like to answer my question?

2019-09-07 13:13:17 UTC  

Now that we’ve delved through the source of your dogmatic creed, you still have not proven your initial point, which is that an increase in supply will lower price. Because we can still talk about rightward shifts in the supply curve, and presuppose an upward sloping supply curve, even with everything your source says.

2019-09-07 13:14:54 UTC  

It’s an important part of critical thinking to be able to talk about discreet effects. If you think that a discreet effect is dependent on something else, you can say that instead of just saying the system is so complex that discreet effects don’t exist.

2019-09-07 13:16:41 UTC  

You still have yet to answer my question. Please try to answer it in your own words.

2019-09-07 13:24:24 UTC  

Hiring more workers is expensive

2019-09-07 13:24:38 UTC  

Cuz you need insurance and all that good stuff

2019-09-07 14:01:27 UTC  

discrete* discrete* discrete*
at this point, you're not only ignoring my arguments, you're going around in circles and using filler sentences. *im satisfied that you've been discredited for the charlatan that you are* and at any point in the future that you try to proselytize fundamental nonsense i will happily step in to annihilate you again, but this is the point at which i'm very happy to leave it to the audience to decide 🙂

2019-09-07 14:12:07 UTC  

(for anyone interested, no, you cannot analyse complex systems in terms of their discrete parts, because the entire system functions as a set of feedback loops interacting with each other -> trying to distill out individual parts will teach you how *not* to understand the system. look up complexity theory if you want to find out more on that)

2019-09-07 14:37:24 UTC  

@Green Syndicalism you still have not addressed my question. Why are you unable to do so?

2019-09-07 14:40:40 UTC  

You’ve provided numerous sources that do not support your own argument. Remember, this whole thing started with your claim that an increase in supply would not, ceteris paribus, lower price. That you think your source’s critique of the s/d curve structure supports that assertion suggests that you not only fail to understand mainstream economics, but critiques of it as well.

2019-09-07 14:43:10 UTC  

And yes, we can talk about complex systems as series of discreet effects. Saying that you can’t is like saying that, because ocean temperature is difficult to measure, Newton’s second law of thermodynamics is wrong.

2019-09-07 14:43:56 UTC  

These are complex systems with lots of interlocking parts. Just because the weather sometimes gets cold doesn’t mean CO2 isn’t heating the system as a whole.

2019-09-07 14:44:34 UTC  

So I’ll ask one more time- and please be aware, that if you refuse to answer again, you are conceding defeat: what would cause a supply curve not to slope up?

2019-09-07 14:44:57 UTC  

In your own words, using critical thought and writing in a calm, rational way.

2019-09-07 17:23:34 UTC  

if everyone just had a thing where they could all put their money people would have more money

2019-09-07 17:23:47 UTC  

True true

2019-09-07 21:10:16 UTC  


2019-09-07 23:14:03 UTC  

Okay, folks