Message from @Shockwave

Discord ID: 628348086489710605

2019-09-30 21:45:36 UTC  

It reinvests its profits

2019-09-30 21:45:41 UTC  

so it has none

2019-09-30 21:45:54 UTC  

I do think we need to make it easier for people to aquire patents and create businesses. Our financial education in school also needs completely changed. we have lower income people using credit to live above their means. we have taught by example and through our education that credit is ok which can be if used properly.

2019-09-30 21:46:22 UTC  

Donald Trump: Amazon is getting away with murder tax-wise.

2019-09-30 21:46:35 UTC  

It is very easy to start a business.

2019-09-30 21:46:40 UTC  

sure, but it has no profits to tax because it spends it all

2019-09-30 21:46:48 UTC  

they pay taxes in many other areas though

2019-09-30 21:46:54 UTC  

> based on what I just read the VAT tax has had mixed sucfess world wide.

What have you read?

> it has potential to create higher tax revenue for governments but increase the cost of products, driving inflation because ultimately it is the consumer that pays tax.

Governments will almost always tax products that are price inelastic, giving them guranteed income. VAT alone does not cause inflation, only a long term expansion of monetary base does that.

> I still say this is a heavily bureacratic burden on businesses. The better solution is to create more better paying jobs, thus increasing the tax paying base.

Creating jobs comes with burdens, this isn't an easy way out. Higher wages would increase production costs, and you guessed it, inflation.

2019-09-30 21:48:16 UTC

2019-09-30 21:48:28 UTC  

there are more taxes than just income tax

2019-09-30 21:48:31 UTC  

or are you stupid

2019-09-30 21:49:01 UTC  

I do not have the answer to this issue. I do like to hear other perspectives and maybe learn a thing or two. Thanks for the discussion @Deleted User

2019-09-30 21:49:46 UTC  

Np. I suggest reading Sowell's basics of economics book if you're getting into economics.

2019-09-30 21:50:14 UTC  

Ill look it up

2019-09-30 21:50:14 UTC  

GG @BIBOMO, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-09-30 21:50:34 UTC

2019-09-30 21:50:36 UTC  

No need.

2019-09-30 21:50:49 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:50:52 UTC  

Thanks for the trojan virus

2019-09-30 21:50:57 UTC  

Nah I'm playing

2019-09-30 21:50:59 UTC  


2019-10-01 16:54:12 UTC  

Quarantine and Scan is a gift from god

2019-10-01 16:54:27 UTC  

And by god I mean antiviral software

2019-10-01 23:42:49 UTC  

>Since 1980, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He writes from a libertarian conservative perspective, advocating supply-side economics.

2019-10-01 23:42:51 UTC  


2019-10-01 23:43:09 UTC  

supply side economics was debunked decades ago

2019-10-01 23:43:51 UTC  

>chicago school of economics

2019-10-01 23:45:17 UTC  

Yet in the 80s we still had trickle down economics

2019-10-02 00:16:51 UTC  

right now we have a "new neoclassical synthesis" calling the economic shots

2019-10-02 00:17:01 UTC  

and that shit has been debunked decades ago too

2019-10-02 00:17:28 UTC  

imagine you go to university

2019-10-02 00:17:43 UTC  

you spend 3 years learning one school of economics

2019-10-02 00:17:53 UTC  

then you do a masters and/or PhD in that school of economics

2019-10-02 00:18:16 UTC  

these people arent even exposed to alternatives or refutations

2019-10-02 00:18:36 UTC  

and they've spent a decade learning their school

2019-10-02 00:19:33 UTC  

so naturally, these people are going out into the real world in true belief of their school of thought, that this is the *right way* to perceive the world

2019-10-02 00:20:16 UTC  

Now imagine that almost every university course teaches neoclassical derivatives

2019-10-02 00:20:29 UTC  

almost everyone will go into the real world being.... a neoclassical!

2019-10-02 00:21:39 UTC  

the *type* of education you get is more foundational for your belief system than *the truth*

2019-10-02 00:22:57 UTC  

people might say, *but if all these universities are teaching this economics, it must be right*