Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 646442538026401802

2019-11-18 03:04:30 UTC  

I'm not a fan of the Trump policies so I can't really explain why they were taken, but I suppose they could argue the corporate tax repatriation could have been used to pay off some debt, but I haven't seen numbers on those effects beyond the lack of wage growth

2019-11-18 03:04:56 UTC  

Fiscal policy is a given, no matter what the Fed does

2019-11-18 03:05:00 UTC  

Repatriation =/= taxable

2019-11-18 03:05:05 UTC  

That's the point if repatriation

2019-11-18 03:05:11 UTC  

That why it was not repatriated

2019-11-18 03:05:19 UTC  

Cool beans though

2019-11-18 03:07:30 UTC  

Part of Trump's explanation for the TCJA was to encourage overseas held corporate money to come back, hence the reduction to 21%

2019-11-18 03:12:40 UTC  

```Before the new tax law, companies kept much of their overseas profit offshore to avoid a 35% tax that kicked in when they brought the money back to the U.S. The Republican tax law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets, regardless of where the profits sat.```

2019-11-18 03:12:44 UTC  

```Corporations brought $100.2 billion of overseas profits back to the U.S. in the first quarter, marking $876.8 billion that has returned since Congress overhauled the international tax system and prodded companies to repatriate more.

The cash that has come back to the U.S. falls short of the $4 trillion President Donald Trump said would return as a result of the 2017 tax law. Investment banks and think tanks have estimated that U.S. corporations actually held $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion in offshore funds at the time the law was enacted.```

2019-11-18 03:13:08 UTC  

Not as much as promised, but some of that is repatriation

2019-11-18 03:18:20 UTC  

it didn't translate to much wage growth, it mostly went to buybacks, so it was a silly gimmick to pump the stock market if anything

2019-11-18 03:24:06 UTC  

So Taleb applauds Trump for trying to avoid war with Iran. I think destroying the nuclear deal with Iran was on the right path to that anyway so 2 steps back, 1 step forward on that one

2019-11-18 19:26:58 UTC  

@AlphaUK to understand what I said about the Euro and immigration, read this prediction of what problems the EuroZone would have in 1992, particlarly the last paragraph:

2019-11-18 19:29:33 UTC  


2019-11-18 19:36:06 UTC  

I didn't read all of it because it was hurting my brain a little bit but the last paragraph was pretty interesting

2019-11-18 19:41:24 UTC  

yea he predicted what would happen

2019-11-19 01:04:26 UTC  
2019-11-19 20:08:17 UTC  

> The 2003 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) deregulated all agricultural trade, except for corn and dairy products. The Mexican government complains that since NAFTA’s initial implementation in 1994, the United States has raised farm subsidies by 300 percent. As a result, Mexican corn farmers, who comprise the majority of the country’s agricultural sector, experienced drastic declines in the domestic price of their product. It should come as no surprise, then, that the United States began to experience an influx of Mexicans looking for employment in the latter half of the 1990s.

2019-11-19 20:08:30 UTC  

> “An Ethnographic Study of the Social Context of Migrant Health in the United States.” In the study we learn that 95 percent of agricultural workers in the United States were born in Mexico and 52 percent are undocumented.

2019-11-19 20:11:51 UTC  

> Out of all the crops that farmers grow, the government only subsidizes five of them. They are corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.
> Corn is the nation's biggest crop. Over 15 billion bushels were grown in 2017, with 15% exported. The corn belt is Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas. A third of Iowa's economy depends on farming. California produces the most food by value. Most of it is almonds, wine, dairy, walnuts, and pistachios. These aren't subsidized.

2019-11-20 00:05:07 UTC  
2019-11-20 11:22:57 UTC

2019-11-20 11:28:42 UTC

2019-11-20 12:27:22 UTC  

Portugal's economic is currently found in a bad position, one appartment in portugal is almost 190k€. We have been down for a while till we can either; a. better rule agreement, a better way to economize. My stepfather receives 4k€ every month and he is legit the director of the biggest company of components in portugal. So you can already expect what it is to live in Portugal right now. @Sh0t

2019-11-20 12:29:24 UTC  

Those charts above illustrate the effects of the Euro on the countries in europe that can't run a trade surplus like Germany

2019-11-20 12:30:23 UTC  

prior to the Euro, Portugal, Greece etc would have devalued their currency and maintained full employment at least, or close enough, and the exchange rates would have begun to tug on the economics of the surplus countries to shift business away

2019-11-20 12:31:37 UTC  

The US is a monetary union as well, but we are also a FISCAL union, and our system is top heavy wtih the Federal governemnt spending by far the most money, everywhere in the country

2019-11-20 12:32:13 UTC  

the Euro Nation /Euro Nation situation is the opposite: the individual nations do most of the taxing and spending, with a relatively thin EU bureaucracy on top, with not much fiscal action

2019-11-20 12:33:03 UTC  

The Euro+the government deficit rules favor the heavily capitalized countries like Germany, so it acts as a very sneaky export subsidy to Germany manufacturing

2019-11-20 20:15:26 UTC  

GOP quietly getting ready to shut down progressives for next go-round

2019-11-20 20:27:29 UTC  

Can someone explain to me what deficit is and trade deficit

2019-11-20 23:40:12 UTC  

@AlphaUK uh oh stinky, poop funny, poppy diaper. Stinky nappy hahahahaha poop hello funny haha poopy

2019-11-21 02:41:13 UTC  


2019-11-21 08:20:15 UTC  

Ok socialist @Alexstrasza

2019-11-21 13:29:50 UTC  

lol what a nerd

2019-11-21 17:23:16 UTC  

cap good soc bad

2019-11-21 21:19:16 UTC  

@AlphaUK Okay, homosexual

2019-11-22 00:41:25 UTC  

ok bumhole licker

2019-11-22 20:10:57 UTC