Message from @raqdog

Discord ID: 507218307120758786

2018-10-31 15:25:36 UTC  

Pure democracy is dangerous, right? Why not let the smartest people in a Gaussian distribution make the decisions.

2018-10-31 15:26:14 UTC  

2 standard deviations above the rest only

2018-10-31 15:27:18 UTC  

IQ doesn't inherently make people decent human beings

2018-10-31 15:27:29 UTC  

That's dangerous too, but a better alternative

2018-10-31 15:29:05 UTC  

No, it doesn't. But you don't want the decision makers to be too morally inflated.

2018-10-31 15:30:07 UTC  

I dunno where to find a balance. Probably the way the US does it, we have a good balance of cold hard truth and coddling ourselves like infants

2018-10-31 15:30:54 UTC  

The US is far from a democracy

2018-10-31 15:31:40 UTC  

I never said it was

2018-10-31 15:34:09 UTC  

They do a good job balancing the duality though. Seems like the power shifts every election cycle between what's expediently moral, and hard truths that need to be discussed in order to get desired outcomes in the long run

2018-10-31 15:34:47 UTC  

The courts are more powerful than any other branch

2018-10-31 15:34:51 UTC  

And not much gets done

2018-10-31 15:37:51 UTC  

I don't think they are that powerful. Not unless you listen to the recent far left media portrayals. Ben Sasse from Nebraska does a good job summing up why it seems that way

2018-10-31 15:38:41 UTC  

He spoke a bit during the kavanagh ford inquiry

2018-10-31 15:38:42 UTC  

The courts can block anything they want

2018-10-31 15:38:51 UTC  

Individual federal judges can block executive orders

2018-10-31 15:39:00 UTC  

Whoever controls scotus controls everything

2018-10-31 15:41:07 UTC  

And legislative laws can be vetoed

2018-10-31 15:41:18 UTC  

It's all as designed. Nothing has changed

2018-10-31 15:42:40 UTC  

Progress should be slow and arduous. The best way to keep people happy. Is no one should get 100% their way

2018-10-31 15:44:01 UTC  

Fastest way to corruption and the rule of money

2018-10-31 15:44:28 UTC  

Executive orders should be constrained though

2018-10-31 15:45:21 UTC  

Corruption occurs in any hierarchy. And hierarchies are inevitable no matter how the cards are dealt

2018-10-31 15:52:35 UTC  

Well, socialism is the purest form of democracy to an extent

2018-10-31 15:53:07 UTC  

because the people collectively make the decisions, unlike in businesses today where workplace democracy isn't that much widespread or influential anyway

2018-10-31 16:22:10 UTC  

Yeah, but the default human condition isn't to necessarily want to be educated and knowledgeable about how to effectively participate in a democracy. Some people just content being dumb. If anything that's a preferable form of existence. When I see ads telling people to go out and blindly vote, I always smh

2018-10-31 16:26:22 UTC  

If you need to be told and guilted to go out and vote, I don't think you've spent enough time mulling over the information needed to make a sound decision.

2018-10-31 16:32:42 UTC  

socialism is not the 'purest democracy'. referendums are 'pure democracy', socialism doesn't have to be involved. That said, pure democracies generally are fucking terrible just like socialism.

2018-10-31 16:40:25 UTC  

Letting people on the higher end of the scale make all the choices leads back to the Nobility issue WW1 had.

2018-10-31 16:40:58 UTC  

Just because you're smart doesn't mean you have the best interest of the people at hand.

2018-10-31 16:41:15 UTC  

And when you're too much of an ideologue without skills you end up creating a nightmare for the people.

2018-10-31 16:41:53 UTC  

From what I've seen when you've got the resources and intellect to do so, you just outsource and pack your bags for another domino which isn't falling yet.

2018-10-31 16:42:33 UTC  

It's not as if there aren't alliances and coalitions to keep the moved resources intact after all.

2018-10-31 18:05:15 UTC  

smart really does not have much impact on the "Ethics" or being a man of the people. Like Killary is smart.... and that's what enables her to get so wicked so many times with good ol' Bill. They are not dumb people, which is what makes them dangerous.

A lot of socialist leaders were very intelligent, this is how they used socialism as a tool to mass produce useful idiots which they would eventually also shoot down.

2018-10-31 18:10:25 UTC  

it also naturally builds ego, which is cancer in the end. Anointed, narcissistic people who "DESERVE" to be at the top. Very few successful leaders in history have dictated themselves like that. Like Genghis Khan did not give a fuck about his background and culture, the guy just wanted to expand the empire.

2018-11-01 03:43:08 UTC  

Sup pedes

2018-11-01 08:13:00 UTC  

builds ego? lol

2018-11-01 08:39:54 UTC  

and socialism was terrible? I disagree with that.

2018-11-01 16:34:58 UTC  

What manner of base primate are you? Answer below

2018-11-01 18:10:53 UTC  
2018-11-01 21:13:03 UTC  

When has socialism ever worked? @Leiro レイロ

2018-11-01 21:16:48 UTC  

Errr, accomplished the end goal where it creates a utopia?