Message from @Shetlandsk Helliglov
Discord ID: 346726831854059530
Never get too invested. It was inevitable really.
If I give all my personal information to antifa am I doxxed???
it's so frustrating that no one believes I'm jewish
the most annoying thing is how readily the politicians cucked against their own people
They don't see us as their people
They are not people.
but the dumbshit military works for them
so we have an issue there
Should I invite panzer? 😂
we need more rape
false flag
Can I be Orange? I always liked Tangerines
I guarantee the jews will create more false flags now
to heighten the tension to justify their "terrorist" claims
Fuck, all those emojis are gone
h-heh guys what's up with all the focus on jews my synagogue is getting worried
I knew the fucking cia would get involved
fucking cunts
Why am I getting 100 people a minute coming into my server?
I saved some of them if you need them to be reposted
@HillarysDoctorAMA You were the first responders you NGO, you
tfw you can't even sadpepe anymore
less ppl than are coming into your mom lel
@northern_confederate u wot
riggity rekt
Well I appreciate the traffic just curious how they knew to join
baked discord is still up apparently