Message from @Cal
Discord ID: 484456925312974848
quoting the new york times seems legit
Why is James Damore even demonized to this day? Right after all of that controversy, that Susan woman that runs YouTube side of Google used the exact same arguments to explain why they're aren't enough women in tech, and she got praised for it taking credit for his work. Why is he still demonized though? More double standards lol
It all reminds me of all those morality crusading anti-LGBT GOP politicians who get caught out :).
a picture is worth a thousand words... so speculation on just a few words is all this is about? lol
Economists! I'm curious. I want your opinions. Which would y'all be more in favor for..A Flat Income Tax or Income Tax capped at ??% ?
I'm not a economist so this is my opinion, I'd say in a country like ours? Income dependent tax would the prudent choice for now
Any certain percentage that you would be in favor of?
Tax is theft..
How does one have established country\government without any Tax?
Even Arnold Swarzeneger sp? believes in taxation..
@ZombieQueen Why is it always extremes??? Tax is forced, doesnt mean you cant willingly contribute, doesnt mean you cant have the free market take care of what the government can offer, and with better quality too. Tax is theft, if you dont pay for service, you dont get service... but notice it says if you dont pay, implying a choice... Tax is forced, it's not a choice lol.
Rely on willing contribution? You sure do have a lot of hope in the philanthropic proclivities of humanity. Lol
@ZombieQueen I do, mostly the free market, have a lot of faith in freedom and the free market, you will find that people see that opportunity to offer a service and I will pay for it lol
@Sheamus I mean realistically we're a lazy bunch. Why would anyone pay if they weren't obligated to?
@Cal Well way be forced to pay when you dont get the service you deserve? should you not have the freedom to pay someone willing to deliver a good service?
Okay, good point.
It's kinda like the whole NHI thing
Shit we should have seen this coming
So, would you be in favor of a complete private services over public for instance personal\individual body guards\security rather than a public police force? @Sheamus
@ZombieQueen I dont mind government, as long as it is small and limited and providing services, but it should not have a monopoly on services, If I feel the government isnt delivering a propper service, i should have the right to withold tax and send it to someone who will...
Alright, yeah I completely understand your perspective there..I just had a cannon to be honest..
I think I red pilled myself a bit with the private security analogy and it rattled my perspective a little bit..
Why? do elaborate
Yeah I'm also kinda curious
That maybe if we weren't taxed automatically to begin with (this only applies to those of able body to work and secure an income of their own) that maybe we could afford the services that they want and need as they need them....Idk..I'm still thinking..Just.. I don't know why I've never thought of it that way before...I hope this is cohesive enough to understand.. Lol
lol We all woke up and grew up at some point lol, some sooner than others... There is a saying: "a fool thinks he is wise, and a wise man knows himself to be a fool." Give that some thought, it is pretty powerful when you realize how it changes your perspective. Either you are a fool pretending to be wise (every commie ever), or you are a fool that acknowledges you are a fool, and thereby learning not to be a fool and become wiser for it. It's a long journey, but it is interesting as you get to know yourself better, as opposed to being someone you are not, and forever tryign to please others.
@Darkseid so what do you think of the red pilling progress on Zombie so far? lol
Lol Thanks for that. I have genuine enjoyed that conversation though I have a lot to ponder about the subject now and have more concepts to play around with to form this perfect society in my head 😂
Trust me, don't try and look for something perfect
@ZombieQueen It's all about ideas really, and ideas need to be thought out, planned, and even tested, testing is important, but dont be obsessive about it. You know that definition of insanity? Repeating the same experiment over and over and over and over and over and over expecting a different outcome? Communism lol, it's an obsession... try other ideas, and you will find more empowering ideas that can do alot more good. it is the beauty of the free market, and freedom in general.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and all that jazz.. You're completely right though, I think it's good to debate, to entertain new ideas in ways you never really considered, and to have your own views challenged. I just find it fascinating attempting to compile ideas and policies together like puzzle pieces to find a way to create a just and decent government, it's certainly a challenging feat, but it's fun to entertain nonetheless. @Sheamus
@ZombieQueen whats you runderstanding of a government and it's role and responsibilities?
it's not a trick question, it will almost always be different for everyone really
By perfect I mean at least attempting to find a balance between having a prosperous country, economy, decent and ethical policy, etc but also having enough to support\care for the most disadvantaged. Just a they don't have mass die offs and such..the impoverished, etc. @Cal
If anything I like learning about opposite ideologies so I'm knowledgeable when I'm shitting on them
My understanding of government? Imposing Tax on the public to allocate necessary funds in sectors that need the funds the most. That's basically what I think the purpose of a government is..I guess? More specific question maybe? I don't really know how to answer that one sufficiently. Lol @Sheamus
"but also having enough to support\care for the most disadvantaged." Problem with this sentence is that you accept people being disadvantaged, and intend to keep them that way by carrying them... knowledge is something you can give away without losing it, it is the greatest wealth you could posses. But you need to put in effort to gain from it, if you going to carry someones weight, they arent going to put in any effort, therefore you allow them to be disadvantaged then, this is why we dont like welfare, it makes you lazy and dependent and once you are dependent on it, you defend it. But that said, here is another saying: "give a man some fish, and he wont go hungry for today, but teach a man to fish, and he will feed himself for a life time"