Message from @afm
Discord ID: 484067632153362446
were getting fcking banned again
Yaaa yeeeeeeeeeeet
@WuldGoGayForLauren Happy now Jub
This songs is making me go. Yaaaaa Yeeeeeeeeeeet
@RaRi I know, I told him I was going to start a crusade because of it
A gay backdoor that is gonna fuck you in da ass
@afm how to pronounce name?
The one in general?
it means a guy who steals electricity at night
here is a IziNyokakyoka
Wtf did he survive?
he's an izinyokanyoka!
geez I don't know if he's very lucky or very unlucky
here is a kwaito song about the izinyokanyoka
Oh okay
If I see it you all see it
@WuldGoGayForLauren groei ballhare
?weather Johannesburg
Why was the dude and building burnt? @afm
he got shocked
he was trying to steal electricity
what a dumb-dumb
Yeesh. Ouch! @afm
"51 Cent" I'm dying 😂