Message from @rob

Discord ID: 495368240596516865

2018-09-28 22:31:18 UTC  

I think willem's discord is absorbing a lot of kak that would be here if it wasn't there

2018-09-28 22:31:48 UTC  

Yeah he was set up by that black unicorn group

2018-09-28 22:32:40 UTC  

meh, all publicity

2018-09-28 22:33:12 UTC  

willem has a calling, he will be tested like Job

2018-09-28 22:33:19 UTC  

Def need limited scope, good mods, rule sets, etc

2018-09-28 22:33:50 UTC  

Learn by fire he has, best way

2018-09-28 22:35:09 UTC  

I'm sure there are many commie eyes here now hoping they see something to project against grenaldo

2018-09-28 22:36:41 UTC  

the thing they don't realise though is that everyone here faces more real life danger walking down the street than unicorn riot could ever cause

2018-09-28 22:37:13 UTC  

we all saw renaldo in the barny

2018-09-28 22:38:57 UTC  

unions need to have secret ballots before any strike action

2018-09-28 22:39:11 UTC  

to align incentives between the members and the management

2018-09-28 22:40:17 UTC  

Hoe dissapointing, i missed an interesting conversation there, though it was a bit short to amount to much.

2018-09-28 22:40:25 UTC  

an hero

2018-09-28 22:40:26 UTC  

SADTU is killing our country's future

2018-09-28 22:42:26 UTC  

brainwashed masses, but social media will infect, look at number of voters turning in us as example

2018-09-28 22:43:28 UTC  

Trad Media

2018-09-28 22:43:51 UTC  

Look at those flabby bat wings lol

2018-09-28 22:49:10 UTC

2018-09-28 22:52:03 UTC  

I'm of the chart somewhere at the bottom middle

2018-09-28 22:56:32 UTC  

police lose guns 8 times more often than licenced holders, and they recover 15 times more of them than the cops

2018-09-28 23:00:02 UTC  

night night guys, was fun

2018-09-28 23:01:47 UTC  

Bout where I was before

2018-09-28 23:08:23 UTC  

GG @MORE2MUCH, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-09-28 23:16:06 UTC  

@MORE2MUCH i tried to think if i saw that yet, and for some reason this came to mind.

2018-09-29 07:25:37 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:01:07 UTC  

Jesus that dislike to like ratio on Renaldo's new video is super bad

2018-09-29 09:16:14 UTC  

Some people feel like we are already at war and any breaking ranks is traitorous. I think that the 'passion of youth' accounts for lots of the vitriol - in this case from Boer twitter, but usually from black twitter. 14-25 year old people are passionate and shout a lot, probably out of frustration. I think if we are shouting we've already lost. The regressive left is hell bent on driving wedges between anyone to the right of them. the most destructive thing willem and co could do(to antifa/blf etc) would be to make amends with rendier and focus on the actual enemy

2018-09-29 09:18:05 UTC  

I wonder how long will it take till The Citizen reports that the #FreeJub movement is a reference to white supremacy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-29 09:18:17 UTC  


2018-09-29 09:19:49 UTC  

@Meerkat_RSA yeah im waiting for their interpretation on the jub memes๐Ÿ˜‚ once they report on memes then they have officially lost it.

2018-09-29 09:20:19 UTC  

I was reading an article today on the birth of the post modern art movement

2018-09-29 09:20:38 UTC  

@Apollo we should bait them to do it.<:Really:491737970811076618>

2018-09-29 09:21:06 UTC  

how it was the birth of disgust at modern art, basically meme ing the artists and making fun of them, but fast forward 50 years and idiots are writing PhDs on what were essentially trolls

2018-09-29 09:21:42 UTC  

I suppose the maths building is quite scary for some people at university

2018-09-29 09:22:41 UTC  

@Meerkat_RSA just post a meme that might be offensive and see all the snowflakes swarm in

2018-09-29 09:22:54 UTC  

oh wait....if your sensitive enough all memes are offensive

2018-09-29 09:23:13 UTC  

we should round up all the non white people on here and warm up the meme cannons and bait them

2018-09-29 09:24:47 UTC  

@rob we only want to bait the media and discredit their whole article

2018-09-29 09:25:11 UTC  

didn't they discredit themselves?

2018-09-29 09:25:30 UTC  

believe me most people are not even looking at dinosaur media anymore