Message from @CaZz
Discord ID: 522882185494134794
God that one always cracks me up.
Especially when the mouth opens at the end.
So fucking amusing.
its so good
I concur.
that game is harder than it looks
I've never made it passed 20m
Oh, I know. I've played it.
I don't think I made it past 12 lol
i am going to make that face an emoji.
Oh joy, a new obsession 😐
to wierd?
No comment
I plead the 5th
No, the emoji is great @Meerkat_RSA
Catchy 😂
I watched Bohemian Rhapsody
And It's overrated
Figured it would be
Didn't get the best scores on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic either
62 % RT
49 % MC
That's surprising I guess
I watched the new Leon Schuster movie, it was pretty shit
Sasha Baron Cohen should have played Freddie
he very nearly did a few years ago
Just like all the other Leon Schuster movies
It's amazing how he got the amount of exposure that he did
Looking back on it, I agree.
@WuldGoGayForLauren in that case i would rather wait for DVD
So you can rip it?