Message from @ZombieQueen
Discord ID: 523613059542024211
Dont ever fucking say that again
Music on YouTube
Bahaha. It's fine. @WuldGoGayForLauren
Anything interesting?
Don't think you'd be interested, but
u kno me too well
Im busy watching people play uno on the internet
Lol wtf?
Show me?
Oh, neat.
Do you like to play UNO yourself?
i mean
that requires Real Life friends
no thnx
Or cousins that you like..
My cousins are too fat to be likeable
(thats a joke you sjw fur fag libtards)
lindsay maasdorp is fucking sexy
in a jail cell
Gimme games dat i should buy
Does it matter what year they're from?
Have you ever played a God of War game?
@WuldGoGayForLauren if you have a fairly decent pc and enjoy shooters, I would recommend this. It really offers a genuinely exhilarating experience, and at least no risk of getting LIGMA, and zero furries.
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) that interview was a literal joke, it was like a late night comedy sketch honestly. Kudos to Ernst for not interrupting the hilarious mistakes our commie enemy was making.
I thought it was comical ^.^
Lindsay Maasdorp