Message from @diversity_is_racism
Discord ID: 258732825392447488
Happy to see that some of these journalists are being held accountable for their words/actions. Next--Jake Tapper needs to GTFO.
Apparently, Jake Tapper got Jared suspended. Did you know, Becky?
I'm gonna pummel Tapper tomorrow because of that
I'll be watching with popcorn. 😉
"ATLANTA - The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses."
religious = motivated by the metaphysical as well as the physical
these fuckers read my blog and stole my shit
Btw here's a red pill on Syria.
<@258166160237789185> stop trolling
oh it's just soemthing that i found online, and it looks a lot like what I wrote a few months ago
Spencer's speech
you keep asking for defs of everything
gets tiring
he is recovering from leftism
very confused
we are saving him from metrosexuality
killing them softly with his words. can we talk about tits?
Thats infowars supplements in action
She needs the vitamin-d?
Aww Alex.
^ lmao
Sorry @Brittany Pettibone