Message from @redsriot
Discord ID: 415634293151367169
Ahh the old fuck you! Lmfao
Classic come back circa 1900”s
Don't forget the classic "your a racist redneck."
Surprised you didn’t get called a bot... that’s my favorite.. then I remind them they just had a convo with said “bot” end of convo. Lmfao
😦 I never get called a bot. Even on Twitter. I just get called a "Russian shill" or they ask "how much is the Kremlin paying you?"
Which, let's be real here, I'm broke. If the Kremlin, or anyone else for that matter, wanted to hire me to talk about Donald Trump all day, I'd be thrilled.
Beep Boop
Why is the military at the parkland school
Nothing great to hijack today, so lets go with #ClintonColluded and #WoPoFakeNews @everyone
wouldn't it be WaPo?
What about the kissgate story? or is that already dead
fixed, and the wapofakenews is related to kissgate, but on a larger level
#NRA is still a good one to hijack or is that over with?
can anyone find Hogg's parrents? ping me if you find them
whew, i think i made it
You did it!!
"fuck you asstard" damn he got you better delete your account and go off the grid sorry man
@Discerp I think this John dude is a russian. His english is not at level and most likely he is a paid troll.
@16gambit's soul Without a doubt. It was devastating.
@Dr. Bethel von Habsburg Oh, wow. I don't know how I missed that. You're telling me I wasted time arguing with a Russian bot? Heck. Well that's egg all over my face.
POTUS tweets; Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Sessions!
Thomas Paint tweets; I'll be the first 'bot' to ever file a multi million dollar law suit. Wait until the jury sees me. My skin, my features, my resume all look so real. #TwitterLockout
Nancy Pelosi Heckled At Town Hall While Criticizing Tax Reform: “How Much Are You Worth, Nancy?” She replies: "We're not talking about that."
Vox media company laying off nearly 50 people
Twitter continues to lockout peoples accounts they believe are bots, youtube is handing out bans in unison
Twitter is purging the followers of what only seems to be conservative accounts (drip drip)
CNN shows up at old ladies home to harass her about "russian collusion"
3 men arrested for cannibalism in Paris suburb
Who is getting the money the parkland crisis actors are receiving? Shareblue?
The 16 year olds who have to be told to stop eating Tide Pods probably shouldn’t be the ones deciding how we amend the Bill of Rights
Aide to Florida GOP lawmaker fired for spreading claim that school shooting survivors are “crisis actors”
Q posts late in the night, re-read the crumbs join in the discussion
#TwitterLockOut, #AskJeffSessions, and #BoomingTaxCuts is our hashtag push today, unless we need to hijack one later
Digging suggestion for today, @jack/deep dream, and the crisis actors/shareblue
Oh great, a fucking hippie
Oh that's 5 words too
Redpill the normies
Map=minor attracted person as labeled by judge Ginsburg
This lady judge Ginsburg is absolutely gone
@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins I like it!.!! Can you add a restaurant review??
@Live Free Or Die huh?
anyone there?
@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins Didn't you put up that meme on the "Cannibal Club " earlier?