Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 417965348932026378

2018-02-27 08:36:16 UTC  

yes Australians are a nationality of people descended from Europeans.

2018-02-27 08:37:25 UTC  

yuo realise "Environment" is not a concept thats bound to grass, trees and water right?

cultural freedom is an environment

2018-02-27 08:37:39 UTC  

economic freedom

2018-02-27 08:37:46 UTC  

religious freedom

2018-02-27 08:38:56 UTC  

Right, and so when Australia was founded in 1901, in the twilight of monarchy, well after western society had been founded in America and began to make it's way back to England, Australia might've decided to form itself based on the principles of a similar english speaking country that had proven itself a world power by that point for over 100 years.

2018-02-27 08:40:32 UTC  

And no, jayred

2018-02-27 08:40:44 UTC  

when I refer to the environment in which a culture forms

2018-02-27 08:40:53 UTC  

I'm referring to the developments of neighboring cultures.

2018-02-27 08:41:03 UTC  

European culture fed off of it's neighbors.

2018-02-27 08:41:11 UTC  

Just as asian culture and african culture did

2018-02-27 08:41:17 UTC  

just as native American culture did.

2018-02-27 08:41:23 UTC  

i know, i was refering to Aussie who implied that Australia was westernised not because of the "dry land" that is Australia but because of European colonists

2018-02-27 08:41:31 UTC  

There are differences, some subtle, some not

2018-02-27 08:41:45 UTC  

But, while he's trying to frame it as a 'magic dirt' argument, it's really not.

2018-02-27 08:42:07 UTC  

he's not, he's trying to frame it that White people came to australia and "bam" western society baby

2018-02-27 08:43:23 UTC  

That's not what I got from it

2018-02-27 08:43:56 UTC  

I was under the impression that he meant that Australia developed similarly so far from United States and Europe

2018-02-27 08:44:15 UTC  

So western culture must just be in our genes.

2018-02-27 08:44:23 UTC  

I guess similar to your interpretation.

2018-02-27 08:44:36 UTC  

I'm spotting slight nuance in our interpretations though

2018-02-27 08:45:04 UTC  

but look, none of us here denies that white, western culture is clearly the best we have in the world right now

But to say its a product of white people is just stupid, Proof -> Look at SJW's, look at the Left/California etc

Its the principles and ideas that make or break a society

Capitalism made the west rich, powerful and free

Socialism ruined every country it touched
the SJW's and such are all socialists, thats why it doesn't work

Most of "modern" africa is socialist, tahts why they're backwards

2018-02-27 08:45:43 UTC  

and the majority of SJW's are white rich kids who are also white supremacists, but with a guilt complex

2018-02-27 08:46:41 UTC  

We don't need an ethnic cleansing.

2018-02-27 08:46:49 UTC  

We need to bring back capitalism.

2018-02-27 08:47:04 UTC  

And let those who don't wish to participate, leave if they like.

2018-02-27 08:47:42 UTC  

and the biggest reason for socialism is that it allows for a central control of the nation

and central control gives a few people a LOOOOT of power, and that allows selfish corrupt individuals to ruin a nation to persuit their own personal wealth

Capitalism is great because it divides power across the self-made strong, not those given power by the state

Hence you can't easily generate a dictatorship because the power isn't centralised

2018-02-27 08:48:27 UTC  

he left btw

2018-02-27 08:48:46 UTC

2018-02-27 08:48:49 UTC  

But yeah, you put it quite well.

2018-02-27 08:51:02 UTC  

Essentially, Meritocracy = Capitalism. The reason Capitalism is the best core economic system is because it's a societal system that actually reflects the base rules of nature.

2018-02-27 08:51:20 UTC  


2018-02-27 08:51:50 UTC  

But a free market must also be maintained to preserve it, and we're lacking in that department.

2018-02-27 08:51:55 UTC  

but it also motivates

If you want more, you have to work harder

in socialism its the opposite, being weak is a benefit for you, being strong will limit you because you have to give your extra to others

2018-02-27 08:52:28 UTC  

who because they're weak won't be able to return the favor, so why bother? why not join them and gain benefits from others and just sit around and be lazy

2018-02-27 08:53:08 UTC  

you can see that principle in play in the welfare system

People don't try to escape it because they'll loose their welfare

they rather complain to get more and do nothing

2018-02-27 08:53:17 UTC  

because in the west they're given enough to survive, theres no need to escape it

2018-02-27 08:53:56 UTC  

I don't think they should be left to die, necessarily.

2018-02-27 08:54:25 UTC  

I do think supporting those with disabilities IS in our best interest as a society

2018-02-27 08:54:43 UTC  

being left to die is a strong word

But able bodied people that just "sit around" and don't want to work shouldn't be given just a handout because the system is lenient

2018-02-27 08:55:09 UTC  

The term I turn to is 'comfort in poverty'

2018-02-27 08:55:14 UTC  
