Message from @JadenFrostwolf

Discord ID: 433424239945580564

2018-04-11 00:27:08 UTC  

I mean... It's all part of the process.

2018-04-11 00:27:13 UTC  

I'm just waiting for the term 'pedosexual' to join the LGBTXYZBBQ acronym.

2018-04-11 00:28:11 UTC  

seems relevant

2018-04-11 00:28:33 UTC  

It's one of the last 'wrong' and 'taboo' dragons they've yet to slay.

2018-04-11 00:28:40 UTC  

It already has, Jaden

2018-04-11 00:28:44 UTC  

In some areas, it definitely has.

2018-04-11 00:29:03 UTC  

I can assure you, it's coming.

2018-04-11 00:29:35 UTC  

my personal favorites on that list are "Mum-Zi" and "Zi". And by favorites, i mean fucked up and someone needs to be stabbed and let slowly bleed to death

2018-04-11 00:30:06 UTC

2018-04-11 00:30:58 UTC  

When I lived in DC, I had a couple of roommates that would talk about the latest Salon articles, etc.

2018-04-11 00:31:35 UTC  

you know, there are pedophiles on the right too i imagine. I mean, the right still has the catholic church doesn;'t it?

2018-04-11 00:31:36 UTC  

That sounds about how they would do it: "pedos are 'victims of the far-right' social stigma" to try to rally the left to their cause.

2018-04-11 00:31:53 UTC  

And publications are posting it without question

2018-04-11 00:31:58 UTC  

and people are buying it without question.

2018-04-11 00:32:02 UTC  

Maybe not all of the people

2018-04-11 00:32:03 UTC  

but enough

2018-04-11 00:32:28 UTC  

well, they buy into male feminist allies too

2018-04-11 00:32:36 UTC  

and by 'people' I mean readers of rags posting shit like this.

2018-04-11 00:32:50 UTC  

@Grenade123 Yes, there no soubt some on the right...but which side is it that typcailly pushes for these freaks to be "normalized"?

2018-04-11 00:33:11 UTC  

It just doesn't take 'a majority' to get anything done. You just need enough movers and shakers and manipulation, along with a compliant and inactive enough of a populace.

2018-04-11 00:33:51 UTC  

@Chijohnaok idk. One side normalizes, the other side just hides them and pretends they are normal

2018-04-11 00:34:16 UTC  

That's basically the same thing....

2018-04-11 00:34:29 UTC  


2018-04-11 00:34:53 UTC  

Question: I know the Catholic Church was big on the shuffle and hiding of priests. Are you saying that the RC church is "rightist"?

2018-04-11 00:35:02 UTC  

I'm not sure what churches you grew up around, then, because the typical response I hear from religious people is that pedophilia is monstrous.

2018-04-11 00:35:11 UTC  

I mean, on any given 'team', you've got thought leaders, and you've got the initiated.

2018-04-11 00:35:35 UTC  

The majority of people fall between that, though

2018-04-11 00:35:50 UTC  

@JadenFrostwolf and i used to hear "homosexuality is a sin" from a lot of republicans before they were caught with a male escort so you know...

2018-04-11 00:35:59 UTC  

And choose to side with one or the other for various reasons - often which path has less resistance

2018-04-11 00:36:32 UTC  

That doesn't mean that everyone or even most of a group finds pedophilia acceptable.

2018-04-11 00:36:52 UTC  

Why would the priests need to *hide* it then, if they thought their followers would find it just fine?

2018-04-11 00:37:43 UTC  

Unless you're suggesting that the actions of men should dictate their view of God?

2018-04-11 00:37:54 UTC  

The reason the Left is winning, is because they're creating more resistance for the right

2018-04-11 00:39:11 UTC  

But where they're weak is in consistent messaging.

2018-04-11 00:39:43 UTC  

I mean, 2016 - You've got a massive march on Washington supporting the right to kill babies

2018-04-11 00:40:10 UTC  

2018 you've got a massive march on Washington to stop killing children.

2018-04-11 00:40:25 UTC  


2018-04-11 00:41:01 UTC  

But you're forgetting that those children in 2016 didn't come out of a vag yet, so it's perfectly fine to kill them.

2018-04-11 00:41:43 UTC  

*sigh* the clump of cells argument pisses me off a bit. I'm not taking a religious argument on it - We're literally ALL clumps of cells.

2018-04-11 00:41:55 UTC  

Rye that just demonstrates how little principals matter to them. They shift in the wind to whatever is politically convenient to them----and unfortunately they are able to convince (far too many) others into their beliefs