Message from @Ghostler
Discord ID: 448245270803906573
I know it's f****** idiotic.
communist countries also cracked down on degeneracy.
I disagree.
Authoritarians always eventually eat shit
Because for society to work you can't have large scale degeneracy because if you do let degeneracy occur your country will degenerate.
But what *is* degeneracy?
And who gets to decide that?
you will always have degeneracy, Aussie. It's a matter whether or not you allow it in public.
it will still happen either way
especially if your society is prosperous
Now that is a good question. I would say degenracy is what causes moral decile. I mean it's one of those things that you know when you see it.
I just don't want it to be promoted and then I think over time it won't be a big problem.
Sounds entirely subjective to me
Yes that is a danger but one thing I do think that shouldn't be promoted is the LBGT shit we need laws to make promting it illegal .
Give me a second, Aussie, I'll blow your mind.
> Free college for the gifted
> we also define what is gifted
yeah, don't see how that won't end up working against you
I have to go to uni lats I'll be back later.
>Go to uni
>Learn socialism is good
>Be taught being white is bad
>be white
>be upset because i think i'm not bad
>Realize diversity is good really means brown is good
>Learn about Hitler
>realized he said socialism is good and being white is good
>Fail to realize that both sides have lead to genocides
>also fail to realize the common thread
> Learn about fascism
> Think I meet the arbitrary purity requirement
> End up killed by 70%-ers
I think NatSocs should all go to an island in the middle of nowhere where they can create their own little society. Commies/Socialists can get an island next to them.
they want a state don't they?
Social Experiment islands
literally go somewhere up north
the niggers and sand niggers won't even want to go there because it's too cold
problem solved
Hawaii would be a good place for such an experiement
nah; you want something of a sample
We wanna see what works (((right)))?
Yes social experiment islands but not in the US.
use that lack of melanin to your advantage
Like Indonesia or something.
That's damn funny
I have changed my name so often