Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 454259195546697729

2018-06-07 12:15:15 UTC  

Autism is too ill defined these days

2018-06-07 12:15:32 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend Lets say what you said about the worse people having less kids then better people is true why should we take the chance of leting people with bad genes have kids?

2018-06-07 12:16:24 UTC  

The weird cant communicate with people etc is bad, a very smart person that hates social things and obsesses about the best way to evolve spiders snt bad

2018-06-07 12:16:56 UTC  

aussie the problem of the worst people having kids isint because theres no eugenics, the number of people that group of people is breeding with is insignifigant to the population even at this current point of time. im talking about SEVERLY deformed humans who can barely make it to the age of 40

2018-06-07 12:17:03 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend I agree with you that Autism is a bad thing it prevents people from understanding people and on a large enough social issues.

2018-06-07 12:17:04 UTC  

Cuz "bad" isnt defined enough, to you being jewish is a bad gene

2018-06-07 12:17:25 UTC  

i said i dont think autism is a bad thing

2018-06-07 12:17:56 UTC  

@Dr.Wol I never said that stop starwmaning me.

2018-06-07 12:18:06 UTC  

i dont think people need to be monolithic psychologically

2018-06-07 12:18:35 UTC  

You keep talking about jews being bad and that its a race, sounds like the genes of that race are bad in your eyes

2018-06-07 12:19:03 UTC  

we were never historically all the same psychologically and i dont think we should become so

2018-06-07 12:19:05 UTC  

I don't think it's moral to let people with those mental disorders to have kids which will likely have those problems.

2018-06-07 12:19:17 UTC  

If that is a wrong assumption of mine im sorry for assuming that

2018-06-07 12:19:56 UTC  

infact i think the problems of the world were having right now is a combination of expecting everyone we live with to think the same way as us and also all our technology kind of causing us to think the same way habitually

2018-06-07 12:20:40 UTC  

What I'm saying is that there are bad genes which are bad for the individuals and the society which should not continue in future generations.

2018-06-07 12:21:17 UTC  

I think the issue is that people thibk that the less abled need to be made to feel normal so instead of treating them normal they get treated better which causes a division in the first place

2018-06-07 12:22:36 UTC  

And yes Aussie, but you need a better definition, its like saying remove stupid people, and then half of America wants republicans gone because "Republicans are stupid, so they should be removed"

2018-06-07 12:23:04 UTC  

Bad genes is too broad because what is bad is subjective

2018-06-07 12:23:08 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend I agree that having the races be the same is behind alot of the problems we face today. For example if we don't treate the africans like Europeans or Americans and give them western medicine their poplations wold still in the low millions instead of over a billion.

2018-06-07 12:23:16 UTC  

and this isint some kind of divercity bs, its simply that we have evolved with a need for a greater number of tools mentally than you get from "males think this way" and "females think this way" you need some veriaty in the base cognitive machinizations in male and female populations in order to form communitys in the hunter gatherer society because there are a wiiiiiide number of psychological tasks required for human existance and any edge you can get by distributing the load along specialists is a survival trait

2018-06-07 12:23:51 UTC  

@Dr.Wol I mean people with lower IQ's mate it's not subjective.

2018-06-07 12:24:13 UTC  

i see SOME mental disorders as evolutionary specialization

2018-06-07 12:24:39 UTC  

Depends, if you make IQ tests the sjw way, people get higher scores for being lessers

2018-06-07 12:24:58 UTC  

theres a reason that our current specialized fields of knowledge pick up different trends in mental disorders

2018-06-07 12:25:26 UTC  

such as mathmatics having a higher proportion of autism than any other field

2018-06-07 12:25:43 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend I disagree mental disorders don't need to be a thing what needs to be a thing is having the average IQ be alot higher.

2018-06-07 12:26:07 UTC  

there is a limit to what you can do with a brain aussie

2018-06-07 12:26:35 UTC  

I mean objective IQ, you can't fuge a IQ test.

2018-06-07 12:26:58 UTC  

The person grading the test is the judge of that

2018-06-07 12:27:11 UTC  

i know, theres a LIMIT to what you can do with the 5 pounds of flesh between your ears

2018-06-07 12:27:13 UTC  

Thats the issue

2018-06-07 12:27:33 UTC  

we dont actually fully understand the consaquences of having such high iq

2018-06-07 12:28:31 UTC  

we assume there isint any, however ive noticed trends just from all the high iq people i personally know toward early life strokes that cause their iq to drop a lot before they can ever fully apply it

2018-06-07 12:29:18 UTC  

we also dont know how important iq is to ALL mental tasks

2018-06-07 12:30:02 UTC  

iq doesent cover all things your brain does, it messures computation

2018-06-07 12:30:21 UTC  

and a few other things but it certainly doesent cover everything

2018-06-07 12:30:46 UTC  

iq is also cooralated with lower agression. thats not a good thing

2018-06-07 12:31:10 UTC  

agression is negitively stigmatized and wrongly so

2018-06-07 12:31:52 UTC  

perhaps that is why, if you believe IQ to be strongly linked to genetics, having high IQs was detrimental to living in places like Africa.

2018-06-07 12:32:40 UTC  

But look, on an "ideological" scale, im right with you Aussie, remove the bad elements and promote the good will generate a more positive society.

The issue is that in reality that requires incredible power to the people in charge (the state) and the state isnt inviable, leadership changes, people get corrupt.

And before you know it, the state that was meant to help you ends up trying to kill you

I don't trust the state with that much power

2018-06-07 12:33:25 UTC  

i dont even agree with removing the "bad"