Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 461468847208267776

2018-06-27 09:45:54 UTC  

You originally had the imagine of whites being leaders become the image of them becoming opressors to be killed.

2018-06-27 09:46:11 UTC  

As a result you ended up with a group of blacks who now consider anything white bad.

2018-06-27 09:46:24 UTC  

They never saw the benefit of being westernized.

2018-06-27 09:46:39 UTC  

And I doubt they ever will unless you force them.

2018-06-27 09:47:14 UTC  

That is stupid give me a exaple of a people forcing their culture on another culture which lasted even after the people who force the culture on the other peoples lasted beyond the time of the dominating group. Go on. The only exaples you could give are the new world white countires (America, Canada, Australia, ect) because it's genes that matter more.

2018-06-27 09:48:02 UTC  

And all of them came from Britan

2018-06-27 09:48:15 UTC  

Not germany, not ireland, not scottland

2018-06-27 09:48:29 UTC  

Britain when it was imperialistic.

2018-06-27 09:48:56 UTC  

What you are seeing is the legacy of the british inherited by generations of british people.

2018-06-27 09:49:06 UTC  

They stuck with it because that system worked

2018-06-27 09:49:19 UTC  

What were the british before they became a monarchy?

2018-06-27 09:49:22 UTC  
2018-06-27 09:49:26 UTC  

What? A genetic mutation?

2018-06-27 09:49:26 UTC  


2018-06-27 09:49:57 UTC  

Yes the peoples descendants of the Brittish people are very simaler because they have simaler or bassicly the same genes.

2018-06-27 09:50:04 UTC  

Or was it the act of one man trying to gather as much power as possible. Realized it worked, and his decendants realizing it worked

2018-06-27 09:50:15 UTC  

And continuing it?

2018-06-27 09:50:39 UTC  

Blacks didnt benefit from white expansion in their eyes. Since they saw whites who had perfected it benefit more.

2018-06-27 09:51:45 UTC  

My point is whites build and maintain western civilization because they have the genes to.

2018-06-27 09:52:03 UTC  

Then you better explain how it came about from genes.

2018-06-27 09:52:26 UTC  

Cause that wouldnt explain egyptians, mongols, or chinese.

2018-06-27 09:52:45 UTC  

Or the romans

2018-06-27 09:53:05 UTC  

Genes take very long for any dicernable difference to appear

2018-06-27 09:53:21 UTC  

YOu cant expect one generation of allowing in germanians to ruin it

2018-06-27 09:53:53 UTC  

Due to genes instead of you know, Ceasar's assassination, and well, the barbarianization of the nation.

2018-06-27 09:54:55 UTC  

How does genes override several millenia of teachings and superstition?

2018-06-27 09:55:08 UTC  

A example I gave was the of occupation of vietnam by the Chinese for 1000 years but still the vietnamese recreated their cutlure because it's mostly about genes.

2018-06-27 09:56:25 UTC  

And how about the janissaries that were kidnapped by the muslims from christian families?

2018-06-27 09:56:40 UTC  

They sure as hell didnt stay christian

2018-06-27 09:56:42 UTC  

You can keep brainwashing other peoples to become western but once you can't keep doing that they will just go back to the way they normanly are. Non-whites aren't naturally western you have to keep forcing them to be.

2018-06-27 09:57:13 UTC  

And how about the auxillaries that became roman citizens?

2018-06-27 09:58:13 UTC  

By serving in the military.

2018-06-27 09:59:13 UTC  

Exactly, people will always deal with people most similar to themselves. By serving in the millitary, they made their connection to the millitary stronger than that to the people.

2018-06-27 09:59:17 UTC  

Again you can force different peoples to be like you but once you stop forcing them to be like you they will just go back to being the way they are.

2018-06-27 10:00:05 UTC  

Anything else more complex than that like style of governance, relligious belief, or even patterns of artistic merit? How much can you attribute that to genetics and how much to ancestral knowledge?

2018-06-27 10:00:31 UTC  

And people know that times of hardship or even "siege mentality" is very effective at making people even more closed minded.

2018-06-27 10:01:02 UTC  

Give me a exmple of what yo want working even after people are left to themsleves. I can give you many examples to prove what I am saying but you can't.

2018-06-27 10:02:28 UTC  

Christianity wasn't western at frist but over time it decame more westernized because the followers of that faith were. You see biology is more important then ideology in the long term.

2018-06-27 10:02:29 UTC  

Oh im sorry, its not like I spend every day arguing with strangers about why my genes are superior.

2018-06-27 10:02:48 UTC  

I don't say me genes are superior.

2018-06-27 10:03:27 UTC  

I am sorry, but you sound very confident about what you are saying, but I need to know your thought process that led you to saying why something complex like style of governence is passed down by only genetics