Message from @R9b1t
Discord ID: 504868319610798080
Because it is a shot in the dark
Can remove is NG
The vagina should be on her "ass" would make more sense I think
I’ll skip the bat and the skeleton
The werebat girl isn't that bad.
I think you’re basing it off the hair
Tbh i hoped to get hitler
I am called a nazi a lot and I want to cement that
I guess you’re the opposite
Also.... the rabbit one isn't that bad.
You get a wife.
I’m pretty sure the graph is nothing
But idk
Your scores:
Care 33%
Loyalty 0%
Fairness 33%
Authority 17%
Purity 0%
Liberty 50%
Your strongest moral foundation is Liberty.
Your morality is closest to that of a Libertarian.
I am a libtard
Oh nej
someone's upset we can make all the toaster gender jokes we want now