Message from @B|ack|ce
Discord ID: 690742325525086278
theres a lot of good ones
lol so JF is debating Molymeme
who cares
two people i don't give a dick's ass about
Funny that mike voted McCain in 2008, I think he's one of those boomer fiscally conservative types though.
@everyone I just found a Russian webcomic about literal cyberpunk nazbols
@everyone Bleach is back niggers
Great now all the fake fans are going to crawl out of the woodwork acting like they trusted the plan since the manga ended
Idi nahui
BLEACH sucks
I think your thinking of MHA
Bleach owns because it is the apotheosis of edgy highschooler schlock
it takes its bullshit so seriously it becomes a parody
no MHA is post-naruto and post-BLEACH
power scaling is dumb and obsession with friendship is dumb
one of the biggest NEET shutins i've ever met was taiwanese, nigga probably heard this shit was coming from China and dug a 1950s fallout bunker right in his room
What an intro
No bar legend
does anyone in here have ballcrushing vids
Maybe. Idk if you wanna see your mom on cam
bout to pop the fuck off at the grocery store tomorrow, all in
fuck the fiat system i'm gonna be buried in food
dying is gay
and intentionally dying means youre intentionally gay