Discord ID: 134500795654733824
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first mission has me dunk on this thot, liking this game already
we got a guild?
Paul town finna be on the sweat tn?
Wtf did Paul town do
He seems like such a gud boi
I need to get a mf mic
Paul town gunna join the aryan brotherhood
UM theres a female in my siege game
is there a text chat in siege my mic is broke
I need to Batrol this thot
first time playing
she just said "I'm sorry im not good at this game" and the other players are whiteknighting her "its okay don't worry"
gaming is so gay now
its like the southpark episode where they wrestle and cartman's character is addicted to getting abortions
yeah i think
@beardsonbeardly say it on stream
How many hours till sweat again? 2? I forget
Fuckin a I got a juul
I said I never would but I did
Reading Nietzsche last night and he said that women, at best, have the reasoning abilities of a cow
Schopenhauer said they were worse than plants I believe
Absolutely based and redpill Ed
Didnโt he kick a bitch down a flight of stairs or something
Bring me on @Deleted User
my rogue is on herod, level 60 w/ pre bis
what guild should i join
asian tech will b expensive
I think people overreacted with the masks. the n95 masks are what my roomates who are engineers use at work doing industrial mechanical engineering lol
yeah that distribution is exactly what i'd expect
Also interesting to see how ethnic and cultural biases that I would expect appear to manifest here
Education level etc
I think Iโm out on crypto for a few weeks
I need to set up Coinbase
I dont want to be in btc
Whatโs the best alt rn
Boomer money is good money
When they quarantine Palm Springs
I need to stock up on booze tonight
I got 3M shit on deck
Yup yup
Hell yeah btfo
Yeah, i mean it's literally nietzche's last men
Thus spoke Zarathustra has never been more clear to me lol
You can tell normies are freaking out and honestly I feel bad but Iโm getting so annoyed
Boomers constantly swerving and cutting me off in traffic
damn being american is actually based again...
>Have the widest variety of climates/environments
>don't give a fuck about protecting them
Euros btfo
greta btfo
nothing. 95% ish of global climate damage is done by like 5 rivers. Ganges, nile, etc
Hell yeah
Poles are based & r*dpilled
Letโs fucking go bros
how much storage does a wii even have haha
This is my hobby/day/swing trade portfolio rn
Market open will probably be a falling knife but I wonder if it will rally ?
Part of me wants to pull $ until Monday but idk
Never traded through anything like this lmao
Oh dope
Hereโs how Bernie can still win:
โI am here to spread disinformation and cause mass panicโ
Thatโs my theme song
Almost every1 I know is in Chi for St Pattys...
New hotspot??
How dare u call me a nigger on this the day of St Patrick
I donโt own any calendars
King shit
Finally some good fucking news
I know about 20-30 people that booked flights YESTERDAY to go get shithoused in Nola/Chicago/Miami
Fucking retards
Once the normies die out the economy is probably going to be based
I am become Boomer, destroyer of worlds
All the kids I know from China who have been super informative abt this shit lose their minds if I ask if they think that itโs possible that it was made in a lab
Bio weapon confirmed
Iโll wipe my ass with the trophies of my enemies
You guys DO have hydroponic indoor growing systems for fruit and veggies right ...
Which stream are u guys referring to rn
the recovery rate is zero percent isn't it
i am taking advantage
but im not ready to see my loved ones die bc autistic gook/ccp shills thought they could one up us
Not to mention Israel obviously had a hand in this
Normies literally sleepwalking to the apocalypse
Thankfully Iโm out of booze
Yeah that makes sense. I have a friend from school from China whoโs now living in DC and heโs been providing really helpful updates. I messaged him and asked if he thought it was possible that it was a bio weapon (made by any country) and he flipped out
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