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We deserve corona
The only upshot is that it's essentially a honeypot site for wastes of oxygen, which can serve as a reference point for potential future mates so as to know whether to avoid. That being said, it should still be abolished.
Wasn't she a titty streamer before this? Not really far removed from this new 'occupation'.
I doubt she's strapped for cash being with idubbz, so this is purely out of depravity and greed. The depths some women will sink.
I hope not.
He makes entertaining content for mid to late adolescents.
Hopefully setting an example to his audience.
I don't think women can handle the internet, the amount of suicides caused by instagram alone. It's all still in its infancy in terms of what the large scale effects it can have on people's mental health, particularly women and their neuroticism.
>they're not even real
Literally worthless
Everything about her is fake and inauthentic.
The unbridled narcissism.
He might as well, even he doesn't believe in his supposed revolution.
He would be if he didn't have a degenerative brain illness.
There's only so many New York Times op eds covering for Biden people can read before the reality sinks in.
I honestly don't know how they're going to work around this, they were apparently trying to allow for sitting down at the upcoming debates. The DNC must be shitting themselves.
I guess try and survive it all, somehow, and then switch in a VP.
inb4 Hillary strikes back
Fucking reign of the septuagenarians. Boomers clinging onto power more than their own senility. Almost seems like an end of old America election in a sense, before the reality of demographic shifts come to bear.
Biden is a nostalgia vote for moderate white dem boomers.
Or a certain cherokee
The question is how many bernie bros hold their grudge into november and how many bite the bullet to displace Trump.
I can see that, the whole 'dirtbag left' thing has no teeth to it. They'll fall in line to vote out cheeto man.
Maybe like 10% abstain their vote.
It's obviously the strategic vote for them, if nothing else.
They'll probably stop being flustered after a few months anyway once the sting of their humiliation subsides.
I'm not sure harris has that much pull despite ticking the POC box. I put this down to not being 'black enough'.
Also, I'm not sure whether a POC VP is even needed with the POC turnout Biden generates, his being VP for Obama has already sealed his credentials for blacks.
Ah. I misread.
Yeah, it'd be a nice little placation for the white prog crowd.
Is Stacey abrams possible?
That could potentially activate black turnout even more.
I haven't seen raw numbers but I'm sure Biden has more of the black vote secured than Hillary did. The dem base feels especially comfortable voting for him since he doesn't have the baggage Hillary has, also he appeals to a pretty broad electorate, being seen as a blue dog democrat, a moderate bordering on conservative that can work across the aisle while passing some progressive policies along the way, returning the white house to sanity and dignity. Which is how he was able to sweep Alabama and more moderate states, and then most white prog dems would vote for him purely to remove Trump and they have high turnout rates being mostly the highly educated cohort among dems.
I think a lot of people are underestimating how much of an upset Biden could cause. I think what will win the election for Trump is Biden's dementia.
iirc Nevada is 49% white so I wouldn't hold my breath.
That is the double edged sword of courting the PoC vote, turnout rate.
But dems have the white highly educated prog/white moderate dem boomer base locked down so it'll still be close. Those demographics are what decide elections.
Biden himself is the dem's greatest liability, their very own candidate.
I think I have some exit poll data.
Biden does better with blacks since they have a greater proclivity to bloc vote.
Seems to be the standard 60% average we've come accustomed to with hispanics.
A refutation to warren's inane misogyny excuse.
Tulsi's only memorable moment.
Yes, also it's sad that the younger cohorts are likely that way simply due to the nonwhite share of that particular cohort, aged 65+ will likely be most representative of what whites think for this reason.
65+ is 76% white while 18+ is 55% white. Yes, stereotypes are often very accurate.
Essentially mass heuristics despite what progs would have you think.
There's just been another conference of our chief science/medical advisors answering questions and updating the public, some notes:
5-10k infected now in UK already estimate, not recorded
1 month behind italy now in terms of scale/projections
5 days mild symptoms
2nd phase for at risk populations
80% max infected in UK - educated speculation
1% mortality rate overall - higher for at risk, lower for younger in UK - quite confident
nowhere in the world at 80% figure
only 1-2 day delay for 95% fight shutdown
1 infects 1 or 2 on average
close environments - friends and colleagues most at risk for transmission
50% infected 3-4 weeks from peak either side
those with a fever and cough told to stay home for a week period, only call for emergency services if condition deteriorates
Government is attempting to time their response in order to 'flatten' the peak of the pandemic
>left gasping for air while walking briskly
so the average american
People laugh about toilet roll now but the panic is being felt, they'll be in meltdown phase in a week or two
What net effect do all these green initiatives have in the face of chinese and indian pollution?
I haven't dove into the whole climate change argument but even assuming the establishment position, western efforts are close to performative gestures when faced with the developing world and how unscrupulous they are. Futures are signalling at least a short term rally, markets are going to like a $1.5t pump. I think it'll be short lived though, monetary policy can only do so much in the face of a pandemic like this.
Long bonds.
Reminds me of the licking ice cream stunt that went viral, figuratively and probably literally, not too long ago.
Ideally corona
He became the infection
Trump seems completely out of it at this conference
He sounds as though he's either about to collapse or affecting a sobering tone.
Difficult to tell with Trump.
Now he's steamrolling through his script.
Male vitality
Don't question the wisdom of boomers.
Then we become boomers, completing the cycle.
It may end up being millennials mostly with the likes of AOC, gen x seems to be one of the lost generations.
A real emperor has no clothes moment for globalism
I guess she got what she wanted
Hopefully she contracts a particularly spiteful case of it
Or a boot in her face the moment she stepped off the plane
Bernie and his impotent revolution.
Even amidst the corona panic, with Biden's base most at risk, and still a blowout
Also who is leaving self isolation to vote for bloomberg? Of all people.
I hope that was a mail in vote.
You deserve corona if you physically got up and left quarantine to vote for bloomberg.
Also true.
Americans love their political theatre.
This has been a PSA from the african american community
I can't get over 'heard you talking on the phone', first of all he should mind his own business, secondly, he couldn't just confront you over it instead of the meek texts? It'd be different if you were getting in his face about it but that doesn't seem to be the case. Leftist histrionics in action.
It's unrestrained feminine psyche where being nice is the highest virtue and what morality is distilled to. Everywhere has to be constantly and aggressively monitored so that the safe space is maintained and everyone is nice and we all get to feel nice.
Consensus through censorship.
Funny that mike voted McCain in 2008, I think he's one of those boomer fiscally conservative types though.
What an intro
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