Message from @cha0sstar
Discord ID: 690858672582033458
dying is gay
and intentionally dying means youre intentionally gay
who tf talkin about dying retard
having food backstocked is to prevent dying
Niggas be like
Nah miggaaaaa.. nah
Fuck leftists
My grandparents FOUGHT in WW2
And they’re dead from old age
I would kill to talk to them again
Dammit I’m fucking pissed and can’t sleep now
Subtweet at me
has "identity is construct" in his bio, tweeting nothing but "don't trust honkey he's the class enemy"
this dude's leftism is a mess
Yeah I feel bad for sperging in this chat but I got annoyed way too early in the AM
hooooo boy
if this is the finalized plan
it's gonna be a fucking 3 ring shit show nigga
prepping is fun, its like playing oregon trail