Message from @Ensen

Discord ID: 509175762088361984

2018-11-06 01:18:49 UTC  

They were talking about VALUES. Civility is a value.

2018-11-06 01:19:05 UTC  

show us the house actually being burnt down

2018-11-06 01:19:05 UTC  

I was fucking banned from the country, you piece of shit!

2018-11-06 01:19:08 UTC  

muh internment camps

2018-11-06 01:19:10 UTC  

So is someone going to stitch together a highlight reel of this or do I actually have to watch it?

2018-11-06 01:19:10 UTC  

I was banned because of fucking SJWS!

2018-11-06 01:19:16 UTC  

He's going to say violence is ok if its against bad people. Anyone right of left is bad to him

2018-11-06 01:19:24 UTC  

You fucking piece of shit, it is SJWs smearing people and destroying lives.

2018-11-06 01:19:31 UTC  

banning terrorist is bad guys

2018-11-06 01:19:37 UTC  

This fucking NPC!

2018-11-06 01:20:38 UTC  

Damn this is a good stream. Tim needs to do this more often

2018-11-06 01:20:47 UTC  

:moneybag: Donate to **Tim Pool** on Streamlabs (during live streams):

(Tim gets a larger cut from streamlabs than superchats)

2018-11-06 01:20:51 UTC  

Get people on like Tucker does and btfo them

2018-11-06 01:20:59 UTC  

If this NPC doesn't care about civility, can I punch him in his bald head?

2018-11-06 01:21:25 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird it might resist bald.exe

2018-11-06 01:21:31 UTC  


2018-11-06 01:21:40 UTC  

I think punching isnt allowed, get a bike lock

2018-11-06 01:22:04 UTC  


2018-11-06 01:22:21 UTC  

HAHAHA demcorats didn't support the accusers hahahaha

2018-11-06 01:22:31 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird Punch in head is good way to break hand

2018-11-06 01:22:41 UTC  

@Timcast I'm center-left and it's real easy for me to vote GOP. GOP seems flawed like anyone but they've been more Liberal over our history while still arguing for principles. The Dems have only moved left and have shown (especially in the Kavanaugh hearing) they're willing to sacrifice any existing values (1st amendment, due process etc.) for their goals. So how can I believe they won't betray their purported values for any future values, just like how they're betraying the black community now for illegal immigrants, or betraying the gay community for the trans community?

2018-11-06 01:22:52 UTC  

No, I do push ups on knuckles.

2018-11-06 01:22:57 UTC  

On concrete.

2018-11-06 01:23:05 UTC  

ONE guy who was going to Supreme court. One guy fucking L.O.L.

2018-11-06 01:23:10 UTC  

40 every morning

2018-11-06 01:23:20 UTC  

So do boxers and they still break hands on cranium

2018-11-06 01:23:35 UTC  

I guess it's just a loss I have to accept.

2018-11-06 01:24:12 UTC  

The guy is using the "well if hes important we should scrutinize him more" excuse.

2018-11-06 01:24:30 UTC  

This stupid NPC is just a fucking snake.

2018-11-06 01:24:35 UTC  

He wiggles every which way.

2018-11-06 01:24:44 UTC  

That's leftists in general.

2018-11-06 01:24:45 UTC  

Now we are back in the 19th century.

2018-11-06 01:24:50 UTC  

there is one point this guy might have. Which is that technically, the media is not officially (although extremely likely unofficially) an arm of the democratic party. Also followers do not necessarily reflect the democratic party. I agree that the democrats kept all other accusations at an arms length and went all in on ford. And it was the media and protesters who went full in on every accusation.

2018-11-06 01:24:56 UTC  

They know their opinions are retarded, so they do whatever they can to avoid getting pinned down.

2018-11-06 01:25:00 UTC  

that said, the reverse applies on the right

2018-11-06 01:25:01 UTC  

I really hope the dems lose this election. The salt would make the Dead Sea look like a fresh water

2018-11-06 01:25:05 UTC  

Oh now I get the white box thing

2018-11-06 01:25:12 UTC  

which contradicts his points from the first half of the stream

2018-11-06 01:25:13 UTC  

oh god he is talking about the Democrat party

2018-11-06 01:25:16 UTC  

Yes, lynch mobs. Like real lynch mobs. Like real Southern Democrat lynch mobs

2018-11-06 01:25:17 UTC  
