Message from @Vigil

Discord ID: 489179619870638090

2018-09-11 20:57:50 UTC  

Especially in a religion of love

2018-09-11 20:58:14 UTC  

We're not on about that anymore, right? I'll move on from that

2018-09-11 20:58:41 UTC  

But with the existence of an Abrahamic God, justice is ordained in the afterlife.

2018-09-11 20:59:27 UTC  

As I said, the difference between 'God will punish you for that...' and 'I've been sent by God to punish you.'

2018-09-11 21:01:07 UTC Get your lighters up motherfuckers, I love humanity

2018-09-11 21:01:27 UTC  

Eff that song.

2018-09-11 21:01:50 UTC  

Lmao, I post it mainly memeing but I like the sentiment of us actually being unified

2018-09-11 21:01:58 UTC  

'Imagine' is overrated. Change my mind.

2018-09-11 21:02:11 UTC  

Songs about Communism for 400, trebek!

2018-09-11 21:02:13 UTC  

Oh it's definitely overrated, it's a good song though

2018-09-11 21:02:35 UTC  

And yeah, "Imagine no possessions" made me double-take

2018-09-11 21:02:51 UTC  

I think he's more speaking against materialist attitudes though

2018-09-11 21:02:58 UTC  

Imagine there's no countries

2018-09-11 21:02:58 UTC  

Not material property as a whole

2018-09-11 21:03:13 UTC  

Imagine all the people sharing all the world

2018-09-11 21:03:42 UTC  

I get what you mean

2018-09-11 21:03:54 UTC  

It's literally communist propaganda.

2018-09-11 21:04:12 UTC  

Lennon stated: "'Imagine', which says: 'Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics,' is virtually the Communist Manifesto, even though I'm not particularly a Communist and I do not belong to any movement."

2018-09-11 21:04:17 UTC  

I suddenly don't like the song

2018-09-11 21:05:03 UTC  

🔴 💊

2018-09-11 21:05:09 UTC  


2018-09-11 21:05:20 UTC  

A better song, then

2018-09-11 21:11:03 UTC  

Get moving

2018-09-11 21:11:25 UTC  


2018-09-11 21:11:40 UTC  

There we go.

2018-09-11 22:01:03 UTC  

> kill 42 children using bears for insulting someone
"that's bad"

> maiming 42 young/immature adults using bears for insulting someone

"See? the is the almighty good god"

glad we found the line. -.-

2018-09-11 22:01:46 UTC  

"we can't kill people, thats immoral.... just rip them limb from limb until near death, that is the good and god approved way"

2018-09-11 23:36:49 UTC  

The last video in <#463052787970998282> about the communism is the same old everybody in western media is peddling. I'm surprised Tim is falling in to this trap, given his inquisitive record, but it's the same problem with the western surface level politics. I am from Eastern Europe and it's common we look down upon the desire for simplisity in disecting a very complicated issue. I was very young when socialism fell in my country, but the talking points so far have been juvenile. Firstly full disclosure:
1. I do NOT believe socialism and communism is a good idea and believe any similar notion should be condemed
2. People in Eastern Europe do NOT fit western political paradime. Namely - it's usually authoritarian left conservative and liberal right wing.
3. I'm 32. Not an old fart, but not in college

2018-09-11 23:37:00 UTC  

My point is that the claims gulags are impending on the west is hardly realistic. Bussiness is simbiotic with government and gulags are bad for bussiness. A iron authoritarian system as it is in modern day Russia is the worst a socialist system would put in place.
Second point would be the beaten to dead claim that socialism doesn't work financially and has never worked. In reality people look to states with crazed paranoid dictators and military hotheads, as well as multinational symbiotic nation states, with religious and ethnic nations. Those are sad examples, but in fact, socialism (to an extent and by design) has worked financially in SOME Eastern European countries.
The dangers of socialism go way deeper and are way more sinister to the really important parts located higher in Maslow's piramide. A planned economy is effective, but devastating to all but basic food on the table and housing and transportation. Transitioning away from it is nie impossible. 30 years later, my country and many others are still healing the scars from the worst parts of it.
I'm not sure if I'll break any discord channel rules in tagging Tim or any of the admins, but really want to gauge and poke your brains a bit. Why do you think in none of the debates western journalists and pundits never speak to any of the people that have lived through it and lived through the transition of socialism?

2018-09-11 23:40:40 UTC  

What do you mean they do not fit in the western political paradigm? just curious

2018-09-11 23:46:03 UTC  

Conservative is "Left" in Eastern Europe. We've had left leaning politics for decades. People, especially the older generations want the government to take care and regulate life to a good extent. It is even a default expectation for the government to regulate and impose price regulation on certain goods and services (which in my oppinion is insane). Left politics are usually authoritarian in nature (hence, we know their true colors and they're not even bothering to hide it). The right wing is taking a liberal stance, it's small government, pro bussiness and has a very strict hands-off policy to regulating people's lives. It's "new" to Easter Europe politics. Political correctness does not fit either - it's considered herracy by almost everyone on all sides of the spectrum and is not peddled by either the right or the left. - It's a long subject, but hope I covered the basics

2018-09-11 23:47:12 UTC  

It's maybe a bit closer than you might think.

2018-09-11 23:47:32 UTC  

that sounds like most of europe to an extent

2018-09-11 23:47:45 UTC  

What I took the articles presented to be was an endorsement of allowing for Gulags.

2018-09-11 23:47:50 UTC  

i know America is basically far right compared to most of Europe

2018-09-11 23:47:58 UTC  

Really not.

2018-09-11 23:48:34 UTC  

The government doesn't really accurately reflect the people, sad to say.

2018-09-11 23:50:37 UTC  

Western Values generally look at Gulags, Internment Camps, and Concentration Camps with disdain

2018-09-11 23:51:01 UTC  

Even though it's been done in the west on varying occasions.

2018-09-11 23:51:11 UTC  

.... I was really hoping to gauge an insight as to why you would think Western European and North American politics never go and poke around in Eastern Europe, where socialism was (and this is a stretch, but use the term for convenience) financially successful, but culturaly devastating. I wasn't trying to start a debate about Easter European political climate. For us, for the record - Western Europe is far left, USA politics are almost far left.